Mohabeer Beeharry

Mohabeer Beeharry Poems

I celebrate the cosmos with its infinite
Multitude of suns, moons, stars and planets.
I celebrate the lovely and exuberant world
With its blue sky, and oceans,

Let me be happy today.
I will let nothing hinder me.
Neither the laugh of the gale in the casuarinas
Nor the running riots of sunset crazy colour blend,

He was born free a long time ago
When his mind and body were young.
He loved the village lanes
And the busy market towns.

I brought a flower to him.
The wise old man shook his head.
Child, he said
I made the trees and the flowers;

I cannot stop cursing myself
For not giving you
A better place
To rest your head

Let us for a moment
Dare to hold our books to our hearts,
Invoking some sincerity.
Their wisdom is timeless

I wonder what game we are playing with life.
I am one
And life is another.
Life does not end, at any time

It sings.

Night and day


Who knows what truth is?
Do you?
Do I know?
I don't.

At the top of a tree
There was the last fruit,
And it was rosy, luscious and tempting.
I watched the tree,

Not all the stories
That I have heard
Will make me change my mind about you.
The wise man says

I have eyes,
But I cannot see what I need to see.
I have ears,
I cannot hear what I need to hear.

I am bird.
Like all creatures
I value my freedom.

No breeze to sing in the leaves
And no sunshine to brace the woodland lanes.

Early afternoon,

I stood before the cross.
I saw my father,
I said to him

I salute you artist
Who can bring my master home to me.
Love they say has no language,
And no time to bloom

Who knows when the flowers bloom
And why they go?
Having done their time,
They leave, quietly and bravely:

Once in a dream I was in a wilderness,
My life and heart as barren as the rocks,
That lay scattered around;
A colourless moon looked down behind a veil of mist.

I seek the truth
From where the ideation of this universe

If there were no me
Where would you be?
If there were no you
Where would I be?

Mohabeer Beeharry Biography

I was born in Mauritius in 1937. I am married and have two children, one son and one daughter and two granddaughters. In 1964 I came to London to study law. I studied at the Lincoln's Inn. I also did B.ed(hons) . I love writing poems, mostly on philosophical and spiritual themes. Most of my poems come from intuitions obtained in meditation. I do not demand a lot from life. I am very satisfied with what I have. However it breaks my heart to see so much of blood shed and hypocrisy around the world. There is hardly any knowing who to trust. Still I love this humanity. There may be a little fire or storm going on here and there. But humanity is a glorious state of being. God bless this humanity.)

The Best Poem Of Mohabeer Beeharry

I Celebrate

I celebrate the cosmos with its infinite
Multitude of suns, moons, stars and planets.
I celebrate the lovely and exuberant world
With its blue sky, and oceans,
Its dark thunder clouds, mountains and rivers,
Its flowers, brooks and hills.
I celebrate the known and I celebrate the unknown.
I celebrate he who made them all,
For he who made them, made them into one whole:
An inseparable mosaic.
I salute the greatest of all the marvels:
Man! the home of the infinite; of infinite beauty.
For to him was given the gift
To comprehend the infinite,
To see, to hear, and to love the whole.
To him was given the gift
To seek the eternal home of wisdom,
And having found which, time ceases to scare,
Barred and cooped up in the house of gross matter,
A non-existent toothless chimera.

Mohabeer Beeharry Comments

Mahtab Bangalee 05 July 2020

I'm nothing; YES! KNOW nothing; YES! I acknowledge about myself But Whenever I come to this revered poet I feel special inside of me WHY? I don't know. Many poets and poetesses In this literary site! Sometimes I make me busy to find out the real poet and here, in the field of Mohabeer Beeharry I feel that in him all poetic reality and the words of spirituality

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Prabir Gayen 07 May 2019

Very talented poet..God bless You...

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Lucifera Santez 06 October 2013

you are an awesome poet. just keep on writing. :)

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