Samanyan Lakshminarayanan

Samanyan Lakshminarayanan Poems

born from a spring
from mother earth's womb

an adventurous child hood and teen

in those days
as feared
the rumble and tumble in the sky
the lightning and thunder

a baby's chat goes on and on
it does not stop it with it's mom
a dog in the street
a leaf or a flower

we did see it in
each others eyes
the love which
we never shared in words

[ a poem of ten lines syllable count equating
to line number]

a fleet of birds
in the sky
forming an arrow
cutting across the wind

my first love poem
happens to be the world's oldest one
the seashore wind and the tree in the shore

Our body may not be
what we think it to be
it could be much more in a sense
it could be a listener to world's resonance

[fireworks in the sky]

the plain white stars
hide and disappear

a deep blue sky
a careless streak
of cloud there
careless yet a perfect stroke

nothing comes
everything is tagged
excepting life...strange
life given to us not tagged

(not the season)

A spring
A perennial source of inspiration

there it was..the moon
lying in the shallow rain water
a shaky moon..never
very sure of itself

clasped and cuddled
the mother and baby
lay there in dust

the order of the day with every cadre
brought into the habitant world

no travel agent
no travel schedule
no tickets taken
no luggage packed there in

the morning is so beautiful..friend
wake up and see it yourself
the young dawns magic..nothing seems old
as the new day unfolds

those tiny shiny stars up there
three of them in a triangle sit there
every night i see them from here
wonder what would be their chat up there

as a bird on the streets
i had a natural song
which came right from my heart
in my voice

in small groups
worldwide to form

The Best Poem Of Samanyan Lakshminarayanan

# # Am Not Just A Drop [in Top 500]

born from a spring
from mother earth's womb

an adventurous child hood and teen
in a waterfall
in that whole lot a few drops will
perish or stagnate

a romantic trip in its youth
as a stream or river
a murmur of joy all the way
a few drops join in from
a different origin rain
in spite of different origins
a perfect blend of water the river becomes

the flowing river seems to ask me
' oh wise man can you say which dropp in me
came from rain...and
which from drain'

'you..your origins you uphold
we our origins we withhold
you..your origins you fight for
we our origins we surrender '

though damned in silence for a while...and
made use of by human
once into the sea..all these drops of water
sing the lord song of waves in unison

got to talk to a dropp of water.....
'who are you...where are you from'...i ask
'me...well i am not just a drop'
the dropp swung back at me....the tiny sun in it
seemed to me like an eye
'see...don't you see you in me
see..don't you see the sun as my eye
that's me i am all...not just a dropp as you see'

Samanyan Lakshminarayanan Comments

Catrina Heart 10 August 2009

Samanyan Lakshminarayanan a great modern poet who writes poems in all angles and pace. Have a sit and read all the crafts shared...each is a worth reading piece.

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Prabir Gayen 14 December 2018

Very natural poet of high watermark...

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Vandavasu Vittal 06 March 2010

Mr.Samanyan lakshminarayanan is one of the noblest poets in Your verses are stores of elegance and glorify the opulence in life's moments. Your pen's fluency is most admirable. I am most honored to have met you sir. A few lines to really express my ponder after reading your poems And forever it's etched In the heart of the beholder With wonder it's stitched It hovers to move every shoulder One moves his shoulders in awe at your poetry sir. Really amazing talent sir.

19 2 Reply
Anusha Subramanian 07 October 2009

The real poet I admire.. As the mind thinks, the hand writes.. and there comes the Best Poem anybody could think of in that topic.. Beautiful themes.. wonderful verses.. The Best Poems..

7 2 Reply

Dear Mr Samanyan Lakshminarayan, You are a poet with right mettle.. keep your pen wet and subjects vibrant... All the best friend.

7 1 Reply
p.a. noushad 11 August 2009

meaningful verses and thought provoking, i like your poems.

6 1 Reply

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