Mana Kavingyan

Mana Kavingyan Poems


Flown birds from trees
Fallen leaves from trees

You birds hid on greenish trees

Oh! Nature

If the face masks of humans are same

Fertile in India

Infertility in India

Again and Again

Drizzling Drops on an Evening
Shining Crops on travelling


Leaves on the tree
Leaves on the creed


Stone can be god
Stone can be a mile stone
Stone can be a weapon
Stone can be a shelter

Why do you fear to live?

You have many people to perform before you

Noises of horns
Essence of tambouras

What will happen When horns becomes tambouras?

India got freedom by people's
who shed their blood
If they spent only sweat and tears


Budding flowers didn't know about the upcoming combat between bug and honeybee

© Manakavingyan

Fluidic thoughts moved to the non-serious part of my mind
and watched me in the shadows

© Manakavingyan

Oh! birds your hardwork results in feeding termites

Oh! humans your smartwork of destroying trees to live like a snake

The introspective mind quietly tried
to blend in with the raindrops
© Manakavingyan


sparse rainfall wake me in dreams to reality

© Manakavingyan

Dragon flies confess their death
to the street lamp in vernacular

© Manakavingyan


unwavering moon seen my wavered mind like the clouds

© Manakavingyan

poetry penetrates into solitude
when I am not transparent
© Manakavingyan

It's a paradox that a clan was in polygamy, having no further kings.

© Manakavingyan

I need a life without tricks and schemes beside the sky.

© Manakavingyan


Whenever I go into confinement, Sunday releases me

© Manakavingyan

Mana Kavingyan Biography

Using the platform for Translating some of my Tamil poems to English I write with a pen name manakavingyan In Tamil 'it's poet from heart ')

The Best Poem Of Mana Kavingyan


Flown birds from trees
Fallen leaves from trees

You birds hid on greenish trees
Braved leaves on greenish trees

Birds never had Permanent destiny
Leaves never had wings of destiny

Wind's direction
Leave's green
Bird's melody
Earth's gravity

Life may be bird
Life may be leaf

People flew might have fallen prey
People fallen might have turned manure

We are not vultures historically
We are not terrorists mysteriously


We will be singing birds
We will be shadowing leaves


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