Bri Edwards Poems

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Perhaps you've read the tale of the red-tailed horse
who, after she ate eight bowls of ice cream, felt no remorse.
That night, feet uncovered, she slept on her couch (no small feat!) .
Like an arctic tern she did toss and turn, in her room with no heat.

We're soon flying into tomorrow
and leaving yesterday behind.
In this way we'll more daylight borrow,
but losing sleep's what we may find.

Wishes For My Future.......[short; Personal]

To bring my marriage to a pleasant, successful end…
To be, for a few, a true and tolerable friend…
To help someone every day of my life…
To see a world (fat chance! !) without any strife…

I'm preparing my wife for all those battles with others ahead in her life
by causing her stress now, to develop her coping skills. I love my wife.
Oh no! I'm not the normal husband who will say ' yes dear…whatever you say';
instead I respond: 'what makes you say that? ' or 'it's lots better to do it my way.'

The Pebble (Boink) .....[nature; Short; Humor; Birds]

For ten thousand years, on a lofty mountain ledge, the shiny pebble sat,
until this afternoon when a brazen raven.....dropped it squarely on my hat.
I guess I had it coming, as I planned to steal chicks from her nest.
Soooo...I decided I'd give up for now, ... and hike back home to rest.

From The 'Other Side' Of The Binoculars.....[nature; Birds]s

Our lives are not our own so much like two hundred years ago.
Instead we're watched and photographed as we travel to and fro.
Sometimes we're captured, tagged, and measured…..but luckily released.
Sometimes we're confined, on display, even at times when we're deceased.

I Wish I Had Been Born A Bird...[personal; Birds; Humor]

My parents were both humans, so I am human too,
but I'd wish to be a bird, if I could be born anew.
Though I 'love' birds, you may think my wish absurd.
But more absurd wishes I'm sure you have heard.

Purple....[humor; Short]

What can I write about purple, the color?
Over that above question I shall mull …. or
just make some stuff up you might just believe.
Let's see what Bri has up his sleeve.

As I read an article about how we humans age,
I suddenly spied a comma crawling slowly ‘cross the page.
I knew it couldn't be a comma, but it WAS so small
that if it were much smaller, I'd NOT see it at all.

I Have A Treat For A Black Cat .....[humor; Cats]

Black cat why do you run?
I want to have some fun.
Let me pet you.
Let me get you

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