Justin Reamer

Justin Reamer Poems

My disability
Is a very
Real thing,
My dear friend,

What does one feel when he is curious?
What does he feel when he thinks?
What does she look at when she blinks?

I wander around a school,
Across a place that has forgotten me,
For who I am,
I know not, and I know that I am an outsider.

The noun form of a verb in -ing form,
Such as running, swimming, writing,
And so on,
It's all pretty cool,

How I remember the maiden!
The maiden Algebra!
How she solved equations,
Like the sun god Ra.

Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God. I place in you all my interests and desires. Oh, St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your devine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So that, having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers.

To be, or not to be,
That is the question;
To go on or to die hard,
That is the answer.

Glorious St. Joseph, model of all who are devoted to labor, obtain for me the grace to work conscientiously, putting the call of duty above my natural inclinations; to work with gratitude and joy, considering it an honor to employ and develop, by means of labor, the gifts received from God, disregarding difficulties and weariness; to work, above all, with purity of intention and with detachment from self, having always before my eyes death, and the account which

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn,
for they will be comforted.

Happy Birthday, Mum,
And I wish you the best today,
Since it is 9/2,
And this day is for you,

Bang, bash!
Slam, crash!
Kabaam, splash!
Boom, trash!

Your brother is like
Ten feet tall;
He stands so tall
That he could probably reach

Now, today is a special day,
When we gather around,
To celebrate that special day
In which you were born,

To walk around the block,
You have to walk around its whole perimeter
In order to measure the area around it.
If that makes sense to you,

Looking on the horizon,
From the edge of a balcony,
A man taps my shoulder
And points at the beautiful

I am the salesman,
A man you may know but may
Not know at the same time.
You may know me from seeing me on the street,

Saint Anthony, perfect imitator of Jesus, who received from God the Special power of restoring lost things, grant that I may find (mention Your petition) which has been lost. As least restore to me peace and Tranquility of mind, the loss of which has afflicted me even more than My material loss.

To this favor I ask another of you:


How many words
Do you know that
Start with the letter 'b'?

An Eagle Scout is someone
Who is very special,
Especially in the
Boy Scout tradition,

I love my friends and family, but I cannot live forever.
I love my friends and family, but I cannot live forever
I love my friends and family, but I cannot live foreve
I love my friends and family, but I cannot live forev

Justin Reamer Biography

Justin Reamer is a writer who lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and lives with his family.)

The Best Poem Of Justin Reamer

Asperger's Syndrome

My disability
Is a very
Real thing,
My dear friend,
And I must say
That it is rather
Hard living the way
I do,
For I cannot really
Tell what people want
If I am not on
My medication.

Yes, if you want to
I have ADD,
Tourette's Syndrome,
And Asperger's Syndrome,
But none of them is far worse,
Than that of Asperger's Syndrome,
That form of autism that I have,
That is not low IQ,
But is much like Savant Syndrome,
Which makes me very smart,
But I must say,
It is hard
To be who I am today.

It all began with a head injury,
When I fell from a merry-go-round,
In 1994,
When I broke my skull,
And had surgery on me,
And had a metal cap placed
In my skull.

I had damage to my frontal lobe,
My cerebellum,
And my cerebral cortex;
I had bad balance,
And could not walk,
Until I was age two.

When I started school,
I had a problem,
For I had a learning disability,
For I was diagnosed
With ADD,
And Asperger's Syndrome,
Which made it hard for me to learn.

ADD took my attention away,
So I could not focus on
The teacher when she talked,
And Tourette's was fidgeting,
Sound making,
And seizure-like,
Whenever I was too stressed out.

The worst was Asperger's Syndrome,
Which is the one I carry,
It is my form of autism,
Which makes it hard for me to learn.

Asperger's Syndrome limits me,
For I cannot do certain things
That others can,
And I must say that it is hard,
Having a fool like me.

I could not communicate well to people,
For it gave me Selective Mutism,
For I could not talk to people
That I did not know,
And I was extremely shy.

I could not understand
Social situations,
So if someone was angry at me,
I would not be able to understand,
Unless he or she
Started yelling at me.

I could not understand
Or even comprehend my environment,
For if something changed around me,
I would not realise it
Unless someone told me.

I could not understand
The things that people said
To me,
For I was rather slow,
With the information I picked up.

I did not have vicarious learning,
For I could not tie my shoes,
And I could not understand
How to throw a baseball
Or how to shoot a
Basketball through
A lay-up
The right way.

Sports were a challenge for me,
For I had no hand-eye
And the gym teacher would yell at me,
For I threw the ball way far off.

And learning was a challenge,
For I could not comprehend reading,
It was almost as if I had
Instead of autism in general.

And, yes, I was challenged,
And I made it through,
For I am going onto college,
After graduating high school,
With a 3.75 GPA.

I am no prodigy,
But I am doing a lot better,
With being on medication,
Helps me quite a lot.

I cannot wait for college,
For it will be great,
And my disability is under control,
Better than it was before.

I am sorry if I hurt anyone,
For I do not mean to do so,
And I hope you are fine,
Even with my disability.

My disability makes me unique,
And that is always true,
I know I will be great,
And so will you.

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