Brian Taylor

Brian Taylor Poems

Why am I not afraid of anything?

I'm not afraid of anything because of my strong brave heart, mental sharp attitude, and my shining diamond ring.

International Poetry Day this is the day where poets are celebrated on the day March 21 yay! hay!

International Poetry Day it's world poetry day long let's leave room for some of the most honored poets and Hall of Fame inductee poets that are all poetically ok.

Poetry is my masterpiece I will never stop writing poetry and poetry will never cease.

Poetry is my masterpiece by reading it I can always learn something new and follow my own destiny.

God never created mankind to think wrong God only created mankind to think right, live his life joyously, live his life right, and put up one hell of a fight.

God never created mankind to think wrong God only created mankind to think right with some of his greatest thinkers not thinking five times before they make a decision but to just think twice.

Accept me for who I am while I'm not miserable and stuck in a jam.

Accept me for who I am while I'm eternal through Jesus Christ and God with me being Jesus and God's sacrificial lamb.

Mr Miyagi, an old wise man and karate teacher doing his thang Chinese Food and Chinese Sifu teaching be like water karate dude.

Mr Miyagi, a Master of Kung Fu and a wise Godly man patient and not rude.

All poetry doesn't have to be extravagant or anything special poetry is poetry with rhythm or without rhythm prose poetry.

Prose poetry of ordinary sounds of ordinary meaning every thought through every human in their mind is a child in their mind and this is prose poetry giving that prose flow and keeping it real morally.

I am fearless.
I am a man who is strong, brave, and the proudest.
I am focused.
I am not worthless.

Noel, you say you're not taking any disrespect from no one.

On the other hand, you say you want others to respect you.

Black seed, what is Black seed?

Black seed is thymol, thymoquinone, and thymol hydroquinone all in one need.


Ushers, what are ushers?

An usher is one who escorts persons to their seats.

Ancient men were some of the greatest philosophers, political leaders and wise men.

Ancient men are Marcus Aurelius, Marcus Garvey, Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm x, Martin Luther king, and Louis Farrakhan all over again.

Campaign, what is Campaign?

A campaign is a connected series of operations designed to bring about a particular result.


Rhymes, what are Rhymes?

Rhymes rhyme with the word time.

Collateral, what is collateral?

I'm in debt the bank knows it I haven't paid any money back and now it's an actual fact.

Bamboozled, what is bamboozled?

Bamboozled is trickery used on another person with strategies of the mind.

A in the light poem I'm in the light I'm simply happy and sewing.

lights shines bright in my mind feels good poetry alright

Absolute poetry exact in my words exact in my poetic flow this is not Third world music or Third world poetry this is absolute sounds of Absolute poetry.

Absolute poetry royalty royalty this is not John Sensele poetry this is Absolute poetry.

I'm grateful! I'm grateful! In case you or anybody didn't know I'm grateful and unbreakable. I'm grateful, I'm thankful, and my spirit and my heart is unbreakable and faithful.

I'm thankful! I'm thankful! I thank the creator that I'm creative and joyful. I'm grateful! I'm grateful! I have a warrior like attitude and I thank God when it comes to anybody or anything I'm fearless and unshakeable.

The mighty Black race! The mighty Black race! A race of people that know themselves when you're looking at God or when you're looking at a Black person you're looking at God and that's ok.

The mighty Black race being minimum job wage earners we get lead pay.The mighty Black race a daily bread day by day we pray.

The Best Poem Of Brian Taylor

Why Am I Not Afraid Of Anything?

Why am I not afraid of anything?

I'm not afraid of anything because of my strong brave heart, mental sharp attitude, and my shining diamond ring.

I'm not afraid of anything because I'm always taking nice clean baths and pray before I say prayer and is always purifying my soul do you know what I mean?

I'm not afraid of anything because I'm to mentally aware to let just anything go down with me being so mean.

I'm the one for the job for everything that's happening.

In the meantime I should be careful and watch my surroundings while jealousy and envy is present from other people and me really not caring.

Brian Taylor Comments

Prabir Gayen 24 February 2019

Noel you are a very talented poet....God bless you ❤

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We all have issues to meet with God.

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