Raja Basu Poems

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Life Is A Teacher

Life is a teacher, which teaches how to live.
Life is a teacher, which teaches how to win.
Life is a teacher, which teaches how to laugh.
Life is a teacher, which teaches how to make other people cry.

Health Is Wealth

Health is our most precious wealth, I hope you agree
No doubt, health is the sweetest fruit of our life’s tree.

A Homage To The Freedom Fighters Of India

“A Free India” - That was your only passion

Thanks to your sacrifices, today we are an independent nation.

An Ode To My Cell Phone

You are my bridge for keeping touch with everybody

Without you my life would simply have become completely shoddy.

India - The Plethora Of Natural Beauties

'Colourful Personified! ' This is precisely what can be said
When one sees the natural beauties of India, so rich and varied.

It is here that you can see chilly mountains crowned with white snow

Jammu & Kashmir – The Paradise On Earth

Jammu & Kashmir – where snow-white mountains are immersed into deep meditation from pre-historic times

Jammu & Kashmir – where mountain streams are flowing with sweet sounds, as if little children are reciting their nursery rhymes.

My Collection Of Books

It is my most precious possession, my collection of books
It is my oxygen, no matter how much insignificant it looks.

Reading has been my most favourite habit, since when I was a kid

The Himalayan Kingdom Of Bhutan

A diamond on the crown of Himalaya, the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan
A piece of heaven on the earth, the beauty of which will fail any poet’s imagination.
A country that represents genuine peace and tranquility
A country that can teach what is meant by natural beauty.

My Cup Of Morning Tea –

I start my morning every day with you
I taste you everyday, but still everyday I feel your taste to be brand new.

Whether it is your taste, your smell, your flavour

The Amazing Himachal Pradesh

Gurgling rivers and streams playing on the lap of White mountains

Lush green meadows, that look greener when drenched with rains.

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