Sharon Smith

Sharon Smith Poems

Yes...I look around..and There is a lot I see
Many people living in a state of luxury
'Luxury? ' they say..'but alas..we are poor'
Complaining about this and that and..'now we need more'

When I bring to You my troublesome plea..with Your listening so intent..
When I've thrown it round and round my head..and much Time has now been spent..
It is then I know You have set it up.. and have listened to my very heart..
From the Time I ask the reason why.. from start.. finish.. back to start.

Why is it that one with money is treated differently?
Why do others fumble around them?
Do you give them the best seats?
Why do poeple humble themselves before them?

Sometimes You make me wonder..I just sit here with You and think
How did You get this flower all purple..then this one all mauve and pink
How did You craft this one in shape..this form the white
How did You think to make this one..only open for You at night

A passion in my heart
Souls ecstasy I had never felt
To draw breath..
lest my soul faint from the fire consuming my very essence

My soul..with You..Oh so high
above the clouds..above the sky..
above the pleasure of the earthly sigh..
Time and space transending..

My every thought, they are Yours to behold
Let not my best mind spill that which is unclean
Let not this fear cause it to offer forth
that which is only human..

Oh my head..I hear You Speak
I listen to Your Word
But the answers that I do now seek
are Higher than all I've heard

Through your tears...incline your ear..

'When praying to Me..alone..
but from the mouth it will only come

A gentle breeze caresses my face
Yes..I feel You there
Touch so Tender..gentle Grace..
Sweet Whispers through my hair

My soul is disturbed..
as one sat down beside me.
An angel..
but not one of You Lord.

When I was a little girl
all tucked away in bed
My eyes would suddenly open
So much going around my head

Be still my heart..lest your beating impair..
a single word from my Beloved's Heart..
Let not one word you take from me..
with the pounding your beats impart..

When I was a little girl
Around four or five I'd say
I used to sit and look out the window
at different times through the day.

'It is a wicked generation that asks for proof'
yes..that Time now here
They only need this proof because
there's no open eye nor ear

When I was a little child
alone..I would play
but always talking to Someone
at Times throughout the day

To be held in the Arms of The Supreme flow..
The Essence of all..through Love's Sublime Caress
This Peace never felt through my soul now infused
All is forgotten..all gone; could not bare any less..

Oh night so beguiling, begone this I say
as the sun did kiss the awakening dawn
Oh Light fill me now hence this longing so sure
Thou art to my soul pure ardour..delight

Be still my heart..lest your beating impair..
a single word from my Beloved's Heart..
Let not one word you take from me..
with the pounding your beats impart..

The principalities, the spiritual warfare
Oh how the deceit seeps in
Cunning maneourves on evil's behalf..
to keep the world wrapped up in sin

The Best Poem Of Sharon Smith

Are You Rich Or Are You Poor? ? ...

Yes...I look around..and There is a lot I see
Many people living in a state of luxury
'Luxury? ' they say..'but alas..we are poor'
Complaining about this and that and..'now we need more'

Let us take the pharaohs..and the kings in ancient past
They had less comforts then..than in this century last
A feather was used to fan them..servants so very near a air is instant here.

The 'help'..they were there..worked hard to make their food
Preparing what is pleasing to their taste and to their mood
Today it is the same..but they just sit and only ring
Then someone rushes the door their food they bring.

Not many need to grow their food today
They just have to walk right in..and the food all on display
But again You had it written..You had already seen and known
in an earthly sense this means..'you will reap what others have sown'.

Do they even realise what riches they have today
Do they sit and thank You..even take the Time to say?
Do they know trust in their riches..happiness this won't bring
I've seen some happier people..that do hardly have a thing.

Psalms 49: 16 Do not be overawed when a man grows rich, when the splendor of his house increases; 17 for he will take nothing with him when he dies, his splendor will not descend with him.18 Though while he lived he counted himself blessed- and men praise you when you prosper- 19 he will join the generation of his fathers, who will never see the light of life.20 A man who has riches WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING is like the beasts that perish.

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