Qiniso Mogale Poems

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An Old Man Sitting Under A Tree

An old man sitting under a tree
Sees much further than a boy
standing on top of a tree
An old man sittting at the bottom of a mountain

There Is Strength In Unity

Sometimes, there is strength in numbers
Sometimes, the numbers are given strength
Tiny grains of sand make up the entire beach
A small handful of grains is easily moved

As This World Comes To An End

As world super powers threaten war
As world super powers prepare for war
As they assemble their weapons of mass destruction
As they test the might of their weapons

Rivers Never Go Reverse

Rivers never go reverse
If all could emulate rivers
If all could live like rivers
Forget the past hurts

The Gift Of Life

Waking up every morning
That is a gift
The air we breathe
That is a gift

At The Mountain Top

At the Mountain top I look down
and I reflect on my past
At the mountain top I look down
and I realize how far I've come

Behind The Smile

A smile may not mean what many
believe it to be
Many things are not what they seem to be
Behind the smile may lie anger

Mysteries Of The Heart

The heart does not chose whom to love
The heart does not know when to stop loving
The heart seldom reasons
The heart is ruled by emotions

Death Shall Die

Someday death shall die
A time shall come when death shall die
Sometime in the near future death shall die
Soon and very soon death shall die

A Cry For Justice

A cry for justice
A cry for vengeance
A cry for retribution
A cry for vindication

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