Audrey Heller Poems

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A Broken Heart

How do you mend, a broken
heart? Where do you begin
and where do you start? How
do you face another day? What

A Better Life

The more you think about it
life gets harder everyday. You
strive to do the right thing, but
at times, it can go astray. It's

Alone In A Crowd

Sometimes, in a crowded room, you
can still feel alone. So many people
surround you, but you're strictly on
your own. Looking around the room,

A Good Man

It's great to have a man around the
house. And better still, if he happens
to be your spouse. There may be
times, when you'll not see eye to eye.

Aging Gracefully

As women, there comes a time, we
cannot dress as we did before. As we
get older, things change and what we're
wearing, isn't appropriate anymore. Not

Even Though

Even though, you're far away, my
thoughts, are with you, everyday!
There isn't a moment, where I don't
wish you were still around, to make

A Deep Abiding Love

If I could only be with you, one more
time! It most certainly, would make my
day! I would do things for you, like I used
to do. As if you never, were away! Just

A Change Of Attitude

How can one, explain, what they feel,
inside? On the surface, it seems like
one thing, but it's really a roller coaster,
ride. One minute your up, the next, you're

A Day Dreamer

Ever since I can remember, I've been
a day dreamer. I'd constantly think
about places I longed to see. It would
lift my spirits, when needed. Alleviate

A Brand New Woman

There comes a time, in a woman's life,
when she's not satisified, with the way
she looks. It's then, she'll seek the advice
of others, but knows, it can't be found in

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