Michelle Melody

Michelle Melody Poems

Moments happy moments
people think about them
people write about them
people talk about them

...that I am lost...
I hid for so long who I am
and had to pay the highest cost
for what cost could be more dear

The words
like waves on
deserted beaches
who knows

Crystal waters the flow and ebb...
The roll roll roll of a stone so dead
the Butterfly flown into a Spidersweb
the corrupted one once so white and pure

Do you feel sorry for men at war
it is a fact none can ignore
but you'll have to excuse my apathy
my total dismissal of your melancholy

Once there was a rock
holding onto a Blackened sky

'Twas one night when

In Castles great
where young maids wait
to be a prince's bride

I am different it’s often heard
I’m the Lemon not the curd
I am the tea not the pot
I am the baby in the cot


Lick your thumb
and hold it in the wind
as long as it takes
to dry


I've had enough Oh bearded man
I've had enough of lies
your self satisfied
your chains that you've tied

I spent all my years believing in You
I tried the best I could
I Loved my neighbour as myself
I Loved them better still

In the gentle call of a Dove
I hear your Love
I listen to its peace
Sent my stormy will to appease.

Sy... Haar siel wonderskoon
eteriese prag,
geklee in wit
en smarag,

It's a whisper in the wind
It's not set in stone

Wrap me up in pure white light
I want to be Crystal clear
Hear me hear me hear my plight
No pain no thoughts no worry


Na jare wat sy op 'n doring lê
het eendag die vae noot in
Haar oor kom koteljons
Sy luister, sy frons...

Tussen die Kuis Groen Bome
Staan die Herfsboom
Haar blare rok 'n Vlam en Goud
Die blosende Bruid

Michelle Melody Biography

I am just me... unknown I...)

The Best Poem Of Michelle Melody

Waving To Moments Passing By

Moments happy moments
people think about them
people write about them
people talk about them
people hope about them
I see moments
lots of moments
but I wave to my moments
as they pass me by...

My life is a ship
on an Ocean deep
passing by is the ship 'Could've been'
it holds all my moments in its keep
I stand on my lifes deck
waving to moments till they're just a speck

Moments happy moments
people live them
people grab them
people make them
people savour them
but I wave to my moments
as they pass me by...
Goodbye 'Could've been'
Goodbye moments...

Michelle Melody Comments

Michelle Melody Quotes

It is not the dark you should fear it is the seed planted, the seed that stops believing in the coming of the dawn.

Being the tailend of the Dragon, makes you not just a follower of the Dragon but one yourself. Dragons, especially their tails, are known for lashing out and taking others down with them.

I find your humour a fist in a Clown's glove!

Not every Ash heap has a Phoenix. Nie elke As hoop het 'n Phoenix nie. (Said after witnessing things broken down in South Africa)

A little bit of material never hurt (to the non-materialistic comments in life) without it we would not be clothed! 🤭

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