Stefanie Fontker

Stefanie Fontker Poems

Such a bitter kiss
Bestowed by thy lips
I lay upon the ground
A fight so unimaginable

Mad Woman,
Where are you kept?
Hidden amongst the others
Those like you,

You stare at me,
Like I'm someone else.
My words have hit
With a force too shrewd.

Would you come back
To search for my face
Among the ashes?
To burn is to cleanse,


Many speak of monsters.
The devil we know,
The demon under our covers.
But are these not

You have stripped the world
Of conversation, friendship and love
And offer nothing but unsatisfactory
Substitutions of scratching and feasting.

Cutting off layers of unwanted skin,
Coming undone inside of one’s self.
Float beyond water’s edge, cry silently.

I can see you from here, smiling.
Happy and free like a bird of royalty.
Though I do cry behind my mask,
For my own pain is my very own cage.

Comfortable in the mystical
Belief that by touching gold
You'll turn to gold, you smile
At those that plan your rape.

None of it matters.
No matter where I go,
What direction I turn,
There are men, women

What virtue could you keep
If they all have angry eyes,
And knives of dripping blood?
Ready to murder, to rape

My age is my own.
Steal it you may,
But it will continue
Its long reign.

These are holy sins,
You cry, stabbing at me.
But my blood is pure
Devil's juice, it will


Could I plunge deep
Into my own heart?
For yours is in chaos
And bitter on my tongue.

They want to see you fall,
Yet you're the one that bleeds
For all the ones that would
Pass you around like a whore.

Constellations have fallen into the sea,
Swimming on the brink of every dark ocean.
Forsaken by the most beautiful stars,
Shunned by every lover of heavenly gods.

I saw a beautiful queen in the sky,
And opened my mouth wide
To swallow every last single dropp of her gold.

My soul is unholy,
Though you would eat it
As though I were swine.
Comes evil here, quietly,

Stefanie Fontker Biography

I write under a pen name (a pretty crappy one, at that) : if you've seen my work on other sites under what I assume would have to be my real name, you're probably not mistaken. Feel free to interrogate me though. A lot of the stuff I have on my account here is rather old, some of it a bit embarrassing, so please bear with me.)

The Best Poem Of Stefanie Fontker

A Bitter Kiss

Such a bitter kiss
Bestowed by thy lips
I lay upon the ground
A fight so unimaginable
Such sweeping blows
To cut through my heart
I weep at such failure
To fool myself once more
I shall never triumph
Over such a love

Stefanie Fontker Comments

without a name Face 21 August 2011

You are a talented writer, young and wise, a strange combination. I expect you to have gone through life quite thoroughly already. You’re poems are about things everyone can level with and you do it well, I find myself absolutely dumbfounded when I read your poems, fabulous, fabulous.

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Ahmed Khaled 15 September 2011

good for you beautiful_minded stefanie, you are to make that noticeable progress in the realm of poetry, simply, you are worthy of such advancement..yours[ph.d][a.k]

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Silly Artist 19 September 2011

Ur poems are definitely not the same. You express your heart and soul, thoughts and views, and for that you are truly unique.

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Unwritten Soul 02 October 2011

Stephanie Fontker...if you ask me how good she is? I will say Stephanie is a great writer in the making. No doubt about that, In teenage age she keen crafting words in mature artwork.Talented is not enough but need to be polished, and that's her. The voice of her i never heard, but the impact of her words is big..If you see some of her poems you will know what i am saying here. Stephanie Fontker, all the best and wish you luck to be great writer or someone you wanted to be sooner. Talent is one of the rare tickets to win your future, you have it just follow your dream, never look back! _Unwritten Soul

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Ricky Bingenheimer 09 October 2011

much work here, lots of writing, a process of the mind. but in there, should you search, are pieces of soul, of mind, of something that only poetry can explain. it is the life she lives, the days she works, and the way she feels, in a way so few can truly put into such work, honestly not every piece here may hold it, but it is there very much so

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Jacqui Broad 01 November 2011

Saying it as it is, This poet takes you with surprise Experiencing emotions like you cannot believe Framing little pieces of her mind Allowing others to share her art Never judging another's weaknesses I am delighted to have you as a friend Especially because you are so unique!

3 0 Reply
Ahmed Khaled 23 October 2011

i am only to say: - i am proud of you my dearest and nearest innocent and nice sister i have ever known, thank you alot my sister, you are great humanity and great heart, thank you+++++++++++++++++forever........

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Lenore Lee 17 October 2011

A wondrous poet full of emotions stronger than passion. I call her spectacular, but that word will never be strong enough to describe her. There are no words to completely describe her and it is an honour just to know her.

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Quinn Craine 14 October 2011

Your poems are amazing I love them <3 they are so full of passion and emotion and that fact that you like mine makes me happy and makes you even better! :) You rock!

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John Salome 10 October 2011

haha this is really good, I liked it a lot :)

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