Anna Osipova Poems

Hit Title Date Added
If This World Comes To Fall Apart

If this world comes to fall apart,
Comes to burn in the fire some day,
Still without fear in heart,
I will sleep on your shoulder again.

Don't Stop

Don't stop to wonder -
Leave no place for regrets.
Go into things, and out, over, under
And in between until you meet the end.

Blue Whales

Blue whales
under blue waves
tell tales
of old days,

If I Die

If I die, don't put me in the ground,
Hate to think of you all standing round
Little hole with coffin, me inside,
Dressed in black and holding camomiles.

In A Shape

Pillow in a shape of a heart,
bed in a shape of a circle,
lighter in a shape of a tower,
music box in a shape of a turtle,

Пламя И Лёд

Одни говорят - мир погибнет в пожаре,
Другие твердят про лёд.
Но я, изведав огонь желаний,
Буду с теми, кто так любит пламя.

Go, Chase Your Dream…

Go, chase your dream… don't stop in the beginning
Forget that someone said he tried but failed…
He failed? Well… it has some second meaning:
That maybe it is yours to try and gain it.

Time Flies

Time flies
and the clock chimes
that the night is cool
under the full moon.

Silence And Space And Time…

Silence and space and time…
Hoping that I can find
Rhythm in a beat of a heart,
Meaning in shining star,

Violin Soul

Lonely violin is weeping
On my shoulder in the night,
And the notes like running tears
With my bow I will wipe.

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