Hell Farya

Hell Farya Poems

...nd so, In this limerick, we mourn a bass player's fate,
A life barely known, now sealed by death's gate.
From darkness to light
We'll trace his might,

...nd so, In this limerick, we mourn a bass player's fate,

At an all white funeral, an old bass player, his fate,
Thrived on words spoken by soothsayers, great.

...nd so, In this limerick, we mourn a bass player's fate,

At his last call, an old bass player's wake,
Whose love life had a woeful ache.

Buried deep in own thoughts.
Hath there other worlds away from mine,
Dost they know that which I was taught,

This two lines tells how much the past of a now dejected old man is influencing his present

I've been gazed on by the seven sky
Where beneath the heavens shall my shame hide.

Two lover,
With passions of eternal torment,
Longings of solitude in moment.
One to another,

On a branch he perched,
A quiet observer,
Soon he dozed off,
Into the unknown he ventured.

A town of cursèd individuals,
Nestled 'midst towering mountains.
In this valley stood a sorcerer,
Bearing a bear-like visage.

Take peace
My soul
How love hath made you weary
Take peace

The Best Poem Of Hell Farya

Old Bass Player (Dark)

...nd so, In this limerick, we mourn a bass player's fate,
A life barely known, now sealed by death's gate.
From darkness to light
We'll trace his might,
His legacy, his flaws, in a rhythmic state.

Once it was the funeral of an old bass player,
Whose career thrived on the word of a soothsayer.
He's never been laid,
Failed to get laid,
Posthumously he was conferred on; an ever standing performer.
Dark Version - Old Bass Player.

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