Marria Attar Poems

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..To A Friend..

A friend that is unique
A friend that is one of a kind
A friend that is perfect
A type of friend who is hard to find

' The River Of Blood

It’s the river of blood
Initiated by the enemies of God
And when advised too or told to stop
They just give you the nod

*...Freedom For Palestine! ...*

My country, my people, my land
Oh do I wish to be with my people hand in hand
With all wars abolished and all pain gone
With death and pain vanished that has been accepted for very long


Being alone is not just a word
Being the one that just can’t be heard
Is an elevation of loneliness inside
That makes a person’s outlook almost impossible to find

..I Wish..

I wish I could do everything right
I wish I were this perfect person
I wish I were whole and ideal
I wish that I’d live life with no cries


I wish I would always be with you
But I don’t know if you wish that too
I don’t know what you wish anymore
Or maybe it’s her you wish for

...& Just Ignore...

When you know that some people hate you
Doesn’t it kill you inside?
When you know they don’t want to see you
And every time you’re near they just hide

*my Hijab*

I don’t understand why people are attacking me on what I chose to wear
I guess all those people want me to do is to show my hair
But it is my choice and they have no right to interfere
But they make it their business to do so whenever I am near

..Tell Me Why..

Why do people fight?
Why can’t they just unite?
Why is the world a mess?
Why can’t people confess?

Big Mistake!

A few months have passed
And not a word have you said
Nothing left to last
Just a bunch of horrible memories stored in my head

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