Randy McClave Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Heard The World Crying

I heard the world crying
As though she was dying,
And then came the rain
As though sympathy to her pain,

Then He Cried

When he left his mother and the doctor spanked his hide
In that delivery room he then first cried,
But, that cry that he uttered so proudly and loud
Was a proclamation to all, that he'll make his mother proud.

Bring Me Flowers

Bring me flowers when I am living
Don't bring me them when I am dead,
Let me enjoy them in the giving
My mother always had said.

Guard Your Heart

Guard your heart as if it were gold
Guard it from thieves, so it won't be stolen or sold,
Protect it surely as you would protect your love
Keep it safe and protected and always there of.


Victory is ours!
Said one crow to the other,
As they soared in the sky above.
For below them they had spied

God's Forgiveness

Those who seek war
Will find war.
Those who seek hate
Will find hate.

A Child And A Gun

When a child is taught to use a gun
It's downfall from humanity has just begun,
They don't care to watch cartoons anymore
Instead they want to watch dramas, and war.

Love Is

Love is special
Love is kind,
Love is joyful
Any day or anytime.

Boxer's Chess

I am no man's rook
I go wherever that I look,
No one controls my every move
What I do, only I approve.

I Am My Father's Son

I Am My Father's Son
That is who I am,
Though I am, still his child
I am still a man.

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