Amy Louise Kerswell

Amy Louise Kerswell Poems

Depression isn't obvious but suicide is.
My pain nobody sees.
My my mangled body they shall see.
My head was all but a mess.

I never forget what happened
I'll never forget what they did.
They used rape and abuse
To have power over me.

God Im hurt.
I said God Im hurt.
And god said I know.

When I finally come to the end of my road
T|he stars set for me
I want no gloom filled room

Blood running everywhere.
Dripping all down my skin.
Still not enough.
Must hurt some more.

Some days I just wish.
I could run and hide.
No matter where I go.
Suicide seems my only way.

Oh horid ways of emotions.

Do you no who I am?
I am no saint I am no lamb.

When I was a child you hurt me.
I was nothing but a mere girl.
I was only 5 years old.
I couldnt fight you couldnt fend you off.

I cried to god one day.
As I sat beneath the tree.
I was hoping he would answer me.
I cried lord I can not take this any more.

Anger is bubbling away at me.
Burning a whole in my heart.

I wish I was a bird.
Free to fly free to roam.
Without a care in the world.
Not worring where I'm going.

Depression is raging.

Im so sorry

Im so sorry really I am

It is this nasty thing.
Something like a disease.
Controlling me.
It has taken my soul.

When I come to the end of my road.
Miss me For a little while but forever.
Please don't let your heart hold any fears.
Let your eyes shed no tears.

Im scared to trust now.
I had my trust broken many times before.
I was left a broken girl.
I still am broken inside.

You know Im you bpd.
You'll never stop the psycotic episodes.
And you'll never stop me.
I like to make you suicidal.

All Alone in my fear

I live all alone.

Alone I do now walk

Alone I shall now walk.

Amy Louise Kerswell Biography

I love to write poetry I was known on this site as amy kerswell unfourtanatly due to my dog damaging the computeer my last account I cant use so I had to open a new one and copy my poems over)

The Best Poem Of Amy Louise Kerswell

Depression Isn'T Obvious Suicide Is

Depression isn't obvious but suicide is.
My pain nobody sees.
My my mangled body they shall see.
My head was all but a mess.
Depression overtaking me.
Suicide was to be my bid for freedom.
Becuase deppression isn't obvious but suicide is.

Depression is never obvious even when its staring them in the face.
But now suicide will be obvious how can it not?
Now my life is too much to bear.
Suicide I shall commit.
Now its obvious but its all too late.

Amy Louise Kerswell Comments

Pat Winslow 26 March 2019

This is plagiarism. Kerswell has taken Christina Rossetti's poem, shortened it, and claimed it for her own. This website is colluding with Kerswell. It is not to be trusted. Please source your poems responsibly. PoemHunter lists all of Rossetti's poems and makes them available to be read. The poem Kerswell has stolen is number 186 if you are interested. PoemHunter, you have some serious explaining to do. In the meantime, please remove plagiarised work.

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Rev. Jerry Wicker 11 February 2019

Hi Amy! My email is: I would like your permission to us the poem " Miss Me - But Let me Go" and print it inside a funeral bulletin for someone who loved your work. I'm always concerned about copyright laws and would like your okay before I include it in the bulletin. Blessings, Jerry

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Me, an intellectual 29 January 2018

The fact that you managed to bang out 400+ suicidal poems is impressive by itself. Most trolls who try something like this for attention give up after about five. The thing is, the dates when the poems were published don't add up. The streaks of 10 or fifteen poems a day and then a month long hiatus is weird enough but the huge hiatus's towards the end of your works just goes to show that the probability of you actually having killed yourself is slim to none. Whatever. (1/2)

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Amber Millar 03 August 2007

Amy, your poetry is amazing! I believe that you should publish some of your work because it is so brilliant! You might like my poems Perfect Girl, Hope you had a nice Father's Day and Forgive and Forget! please reply xxx

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Walt Martin 14 June 2007

Hi Amy! ... just a quick note to let you know that I'm 'officially' a new member with much catching-up to be done. As noted in an earlier comment, this date, I 'found' one of your newer poems. Although I lack the technical expertise to venture far into the realm of what is proper syntax, structure, and such, I did want to let you know that I recognized the depth (and power, hence the 'OUCH! ') in your poetry, and that I'll include your expressions in my 'favorites' to watch for, along with ten other poets I've been lucky enough to find. There's much (very much) that I've missed. I did want to let you, M.R., E.F., and your other colleagues aware of my appreciation. Thanks! walt

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