Arfa Kalera

Arfa Kalera Poems

My mother land, the land of peace,
Here is played the band of harmony,
A garden of flowers,
Her scenes are full of lush green trees,

Beautiful it is, the rainfall,
The world dances like a ball,
When it falls, flowers bloom,
It washes the spots of gloom,

The world was dim, You brightened it all,
You saved humanity, from the down fall,
You removed the curtains of ignorance,
Gave the daughters the lost importance,

How can we pass through journey of life?
All alone and unaccompanied,
It is tedious and long,
But love is forbidden, like forbidden fruit

Oh my heart, please don't stop your beat
Oh my eyes, please do not weep
Oh my soul please stay alive
Please help me to gain back life.

It was the day,
When the lamps of future were blown off,

When a garden of roses was ravaged,

Poetry is a dish,
Tastier than fried fish,
When I write a poem or a few lines of innocence,
To express my conscience,

A great man was there,
Whose work was best & deeds fair,

For humanity his heart was full of love,

The autumn in the gardens tears me up
The darkness in the beacons fears me up
These wrongs in rights
and blues in whites


I want to fly,
And shine in the sky,

The best I want to say,

On seeing dishonest honesty,
And that insincere sincerity,
My heart was in a sad happiness.

You asked that why did I hide my face,
The world for me has now no grace.

I'm better alone than with you,

I remember the times in my childhood,
when all went hand in hand
Running, laughing, smiling and cheering
But I went alone


They say, 'Money is the cause of evils'.
They may be true but I don't believe in so,
Money is a blessing,
It is a human mind that changes things,

A source of fear
For those who are afraid
A yardstick to measure efficiency,
Pain for the learner, pleasure for teacher

Life becomes fabulous
When I am with my friends
The world seems to be a paradise
When I play with them

You are Merciful
You forgive our faults and flaws
And You forgive us all,
You are Omnipresent and Omniscient,

O! My soldiers, O! My soldiers,
You are the arms and shoulders,
Of my people,
You don't fight for fame,

O! wake up silly man!
If your headpiece has a brain,
You have to do many chores,
And have to get many sores,

A gentleman to me is my dad,
He never lets me to become sad.
Never angry he grows to me,
Always he listens to my plea.

The Best Poem Of Arfa Kalera

My Motherland

My mother land, the land of peace,
Here is played the band of harmony,
A garden of flowers,
Her scenes are full of lush green trees,
With butterflies and humming bees,
Crops of corn, wheat and sugarcane,
Sway when wind blows to bring the rain.
She has four seasons all the year,
Her skies are blue and very clear,
Summer and winter, autumn and spring,
They have their glories in every thing,
Her people are loving, brave and bold,
Know well how to stand in hot and cold,
I pray to God that she may live long,
Her people may tell right and wrong.

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Arfa Kalera Quotes

Never leave a problem unsolved, thinking that it will be solved itself because a fire if left unnoticed, spreads instead of setting off.

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