Brian Mayo

Brian Mayo Poems

A man with a gun whispers
in a field of wildflower and tall grass.
I listen,
like skipping stones by moonlight.

I'd like to tell everyone about
the great poem I'm going to be writing
very soon.
It's really going to be terrific.

Here's a poem for you to steal
Just take it; don't be shy
I'm sure the man who wrote it has
An adequate supply.

“You’ll never be a poet, sir! ”
I’ve heard the others cry.
As if the thought had not occurred…
It has, I can’t deny.

My father was a poet and my mother was depressed
The bed that she got pregnant on was quickly repossessed
Now homeless, she gave birth to me on cold November ground
And there she left me lay because I only weighed a pound


I've been asked to provide some clear, easy-to-understand tips on writing poetry- -tips that anyone can use to start producing first-rate poems in as little as five minutes. Ready? Let's go!

I caution you, don’t read too much-
This poem will surely kill.
Which line holds the lethal touch?
Well, that’s part of the thrill...


I once wrote a poem so transparent
That no one who read it could see
The masterpiece clearly inherent
But visible only to me.

One day,
I asked my mother why
she hated poetry
and she quite suddenly stopped

All them little Christians
In their little Christian cars
Headin' up to heaven
Gonna live among the stars.

It seems that a lady named Pam
Got caught in a bad traffic jam
So she put it in park
And then, just for a lark,


First, let me start by saying I was never that fond of poetry.
I know, I know- -I AM a poem…

Like salmon we, against the current, strive
We seek a path to virtue that's direct
The few remaining steadfast will survive
To earn the peace that comes with self-respect.



Can a piem, a vapid potpourri of random words and ideas, generate discourse amongst theorists?

From the Desk of Pope Francis

To whom it may concern:

I'm sure you've heard the story where a young boy's dream came true
Inheriting a factory, and tiny workers, too
But ask yourself, just what would motivate a man to quit
Unless he has some knowledge he's not willing to admit?

I stood before the Pearly Gates.
I hung my head in shame.
St. Peter peered into his book-
But did not see my name.

In a barren,
rocky field
a forgotten bicycle lay

The Best Poem Of Brian Mayo

Wild Poppy

A man with a gun whispers
in a field of wildflower and tall grass.
I listen,
like skipping stones by moonlight.
I hear the last grain
and fall…
and hit bedrock.
Look for me after the rain
where the dirt road ends
and the trickle becomes a torrent.
Look for the wild poppy pushing through my ribs.

Brian Mayo Comments

Theodora Onken 09 May 2016

Brian, you are one of the few here who recognizes good poetry from total crap; Have been here many years and have seen it all. Really hope that you stay - continue sharing your great poetry and do not ever stop commenting. You are honest and brave and recognize - the awesome and the almost grade school writes of those who love to throw around big names and quotes but who make many mistakes in the writing of their gibberish. Tell you at times, i feel as if i am visiting the loony bin. Do not know what has happened to this once highly held-respected site but it has lost a lot of it's credibility since December. Anyway, just wanted to say, keep on, keepin' on. Maybe this site can be saved.

26 0 Reply
Bri Edwards 05 February 2016

do yourself a favor (if you are like me) and check out Brian's The Possum. maybe not for the staunch animal-lover. bri :)

16 1 Reply
Wes Vogler 25 November 2015

The guy's a nut and loads of fun. He entertains as many do not.

19 2 Reply
Pamela Sinicrope 13 November 2015

I have truly enjoyed perusing Brian Mayo's poetry and prose. He's caught me off guard and made me laugh or gasp too many times to count. I actually stole one of his poems and claimed it as my own, but then he skillfully brought it back with a piece of attached twine. He is masterful with his pen, his wit, and his satire. He's actually kind of fearless in his writing, tackling subjects including: Christ, the devil, poem, drones, and paper napkins. He's crafty with rhymes, but equally good with his prose, storytelling, and ability to evoke strong, beautiful, and sometimes, unsettling images. Pretty much all of his pieces have a strong message to impart, despite the fact that some may appear 'cute' or simple on the outside. The 'tell-tale heart' beats within the candy she'll exterior. Read his poems... But be careful... They BITE! ;)

18 2 Reply
Neran Sati 23 October 2015

I see Brian as ingeniuos poet, granted with splendid imagination, lucent style and wonderfully rational expression, creating poems of superb harmony and thrilling beauty. From haiku and gentle lyrics to witty humorous pieces. My favorite are the latter, where in bright colours, he strikes various faces of prejudice, superstition or adoration, using original imaginative discourse permeated with more or less overt irony, to my mind echoing Gulliver's travels. It also sounds like surpassing present issues, in the service of true humanity, always along but rarely awaken.

21 2 Reply

Brian Mayo Quotes

'In the event of my death I've asked that I not be notified.'

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