catty Alonzo Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Lonely After Life

I could breathe freely and feel every inch
on my body the breezes of air that wind
had embraced me,

Don'T Close Your Eyes

Can I really utter directly to you my lexis or merely only until time has end that infamy will not be brought to my senses.

Can I say it now or better will I wait for another tomorrows to come to grasp for more will.

Should Have Not…

[just composed a song.. i'm trying to get the melody right arghhhh! ..just thought of sharing it here...xoxo]

Should have not…


do we blend…

trying hard not to lose control
but at the end everything is out with in my grip,

Invisible Words Of I Love You

With outreach hands we spread them
mutually but a solitary caress can never
be felt inch to inch.

Brown Stars

It was April when you came to me,
and for the first time there you made me see
how deep our love could grow ‘til I have lain
upon that sparkling look in your eyes.

Stolen Breath

With out end
a dedicated lover
you see
you are.

Within Me

Speak softly like the gentle breeze that
touches the surface of the grass on the hills,

let your words echo unto my ears like the

~ Stupid, Stupid Girl~

I guess I was wrong leaving you like that
Disappearing in the midst of it all
Taking your all while never bothered on looking back

~ 0ooouch ~

I’m so sick playing this game with you
Running in circles like little tots
Screaming and kicking
No one is even winning

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