Deep Wounds

Deep Wounds Poems


I heard your footsteps
And knew that this will be a long fight.
I took a deep breath and felt that this is ain't right.
I got your fingerprints all over my body,


It doesn't hurt
It never has,
Can't feel a thing
I should be glad.

No one can hear my screams of my painful cries..
No one can see that I always cut my thighs..
You stole my life and make me feel insecure..
I feel like a disease that have no cure..

I feel like drowning in depression
Why everything is turning to a lesson?
Life is hard and in a second I become so stressing
Can you tell me God what I did wrong?

How could you leave me when I needed you?
How could you never say Goodbye?
I waited you to come home..
Daddy, your little girl tears will never dry..

For standing by me..
Through my darkest days..
For telling me suicide is not a good answer!
And showing me a better different ways..

She was a daughter, friend and a sister..
You took her life away,
And everyone is gonna miss her..
You took her dreams, future and her laughter..

Suicide is an answer,
To all the questions that I ask...
Suicide is a safe side,
When I break to a half…

Soon I'll be gone away from here,
And I will be no longer sad my dear.
I know sometimes I'll be missed,
But I only want to end it

All I need is a word to say,
All I need to see you for another day..
I miss you dad and my end is near,
And your name is the last thing I want to hear..

The Best Poem Of Deep Wounds


I heard your footsteps
And knew that this will be a long fight.
I took a deep breath and felt that this is ain't right.
I got your fingerprints all over my body,
And memories ain't gonna fade..
A body covered in scars
And a beautiful sharp blades.
I couldn't talk to anybody
I felt no one will understand
I picked a pen Sharpener
Then easley cut my hands.
No one knew he took my innocence،
No one knew he took my life
With everyday I pass
My cuts began to rife.
I will never forget your face, your voice and even your touch,
I will always remember even
If I don't say too much..
In my life you are the only thing I fear,
And I wish that you will someday hear
My deep inside horrendous scream
And see and feel my low self-esteem.
You comes into my dreams in the middle of the night
I woke with fear and my heart beats in fright.
I can not breath,
I can not scream,
I just want it over
Please can you hear me.?

Deep Wounds Comments

Bloody Mascara 01 June 2018

thank you.. and I will..

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n. walsh 29 January 2018

plz stay alive... your poetry is beautiful and I relate.

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