Dorcas Tayire

Dorcas Tayire Poems

I stood
At the crossroad,
Uncertain of the life before me
And the one behind me.

How can I forget,
the very first day we met,
indeed it was; like the picture I saw in a dream I dreamt.
Tall, dark and handsome

The trumpets screamed in happiness.
The drums and guitars gave us some dancing steps
Our lips parted ways; giving in to an overwhelming laughter.
The violins and tambourines gave us some melodious tunes.

One day
The pain we gain won't reign to stay.

In her womb, I laid
grew my hands, legs…
till I was fully formed.
Got out after nine months,

If wishes were fairies,
I'll fly to the future and ensure
without work,
my wishes are met.

I have no food.
My stomach rumbles from hunger.
My body reacts in weakness,
Sending the message of pain to my brain.

Different pages, different chapters; a story to render.
Tears streaming in some.
Smiles; being begged to show its' face.

Hope, it is; they say
what you feel for tomorrow, may.
Might happen or maybe nay,
the unwavering joy; hovering in your heart

Many days, singing many songs.
Playful are some,
dancing with the sun.
Singing lullabies in mysteries.

The leaves ruffled,
The dogs whimpered and whined.
The night owls sang sad solemn songs.
Danger was lurking behind her door,

I was twenty save one
when these happened to me:

I complained, I grumbled

I stumbled, i fell
rising again, I fell,
retracing my steps, I fell
tearing apart, crying out loud,

'What would it be, ' said he,
'The world's treasure or me?
If abundantly blessed, will thou still remember me?
For it's because of this,


I grew up
Holding unto the hands of anger,
It was easy for it to ruin my life.
If I could turn back the hands of time,

Greatness craved me
As much as I wanted it,
Success sought after me 
More than I could ever think.


Is a veil that pins
Down the pains from breaking out
And having a voice.

Your harmless jokes
poison my soul.
That I laugh it off,
Doesn't mean my heart


The fearful trees flapped their green wings
At the angry circling of the wind.
The sky groaned and left its mouth opened.
Legato beats drummed on rooftops.


A lazy man sings
Of how much work his desk brings,
But too lazy is he
To do anything but sleep.

Dorcas Tayire Biography

I'm a writer, content creator, blogger, poetess, singer and dancer. But what I love best is what I do best and that which I love best is writing.)

The Best Poem Of Dorcas Tayire

The Crossroad.

I stood
At the crossroad,
Uncertain of the life before me
And the one behind me.
Do I do away with the life I once lived?
And walk towards the life I dream I'll be?
Or do I stand; staring back and forth,
Clinging more unto the things
I refuse to let go of?
While yearning for the things
I wish I'd someday be.

What would it be?
The choice has been placed in my hands.
I hope my hands hold tight
Unto the choice that's void of wrongs.

Dorcas Tayire Comments

Dorcas Tayire Quotes

Someday, it'll get better, brighter and sweeter. Just keep striving no matter what the weather renders.

Life is sometimes filled with so much struggles, but with my ripped apart heart, I know the world still continues if I alone; sit behind. So up I go, all the way to the top.

Life is like a Relay Race; it's not everyone you start with, that would finish with you. You'll have to leave some of them behind, and you might also meet some of them ahead. But what determines whether you win or loose is personal to only you

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