Aston Marley

Aston Marley Poems

We all don't want to be a slave to poverty, that's why some of you become a slave to money. Am not a prophet but I want you to pay attention to my words like John Cena in wrestling Ring.

Money cannot buy true love, but the world is in love with pleasure and vanity. Am not a wrestler but you can't see me like John Cena. Enemies here, enemies there; but my true enemy is myself and my selfish dreams.

There's time for everything under the sun, but it's unwise to waste the right time doing the wrong thing. Listen to your conscience and pay attention to the words of wise men, a tree cannot make a forest and a man without self-control cannot overcome his fears.

Humanity is on the edge of calamity and terror of vanity, wisdom is calling with loud voice from the valley of redemption but no one is paying attention, when will you take the mask of mediocrity from your face and look reality in the eyes.

Put minimum effort in things that don't put food on your table, put yourself up before people start walking on your dreams. Keep it on the low, If making money is like playing piano; I suggest you keep playing on. Share love with your neighbours, but keep your next move on the low like my homie Frowzy Flo.

From grass to grace the mercy of God never depart from the faithful ones. No peace for the wicked no matter the peaceful words, let them have their way but don't allow them to block yours.
What goes around comes around like politician lies.

Load up your motivation and rediscover your destiny. Stay awake when you are walking through the Sahara desert.

Black is beautiful, full of goodies and flavour, spirituality of the ancestors mould the destiny of the land. Black is bold, expensive and priceless.

Am African by birth and my ancestors blessed the soil beneath my feet with purity and spirituality, nothing is useless in my land; the leaves and roots are my herbs of miracle and healing.

Africa my Africa, my jungle of pure love and serenity. Please hold on before you take that step, don't always believe the negativity you hear about Africa. Take a walk with me through the hill side of my land and the good land filled with pure emotion.

Don't close your door to love, and don't give up on your dreams. I told myself notto give up. Am the greatest because I don't give up and I can be whoever I want to be.

This is not a joke but you're free to laugh to it, no one will pay attention to your dreams and possibilities of a dream come true;put your trust in God and not on humans. Cherish the words of God from holy books and dwell on Holy land.

Nothing is constant in the universe and beyond, the weather change from seasons to seconds; while my chameleon lover display rainbow colours in different situations.

Where's the love? what's love without trust, it's a pity how easily we fall into the pit of lust and get lost. Show true love to the world no matter the hate and jealousy, love is the light through the dark tunnels of life.

No peace for the wicked and no food for lazy man, watch your back and see the result of your past actions. Why the evil and hate in your neighborhood. Stand up for the champion and say no to wicked policy.

Selfishness is another great wickedness eating the soul of my people, we can't be mad at all the mess that life throws at us; some will hurt you and push you to the wall, but meditate with beautiful mantras all the time. Be bold and strong; be free from wicked policy.

I want to be there for people who don't know the road out of mental slavery, you can call me the therapist helping humanity out of mental bandage. Come under my canopy if you need comfort from harsh weather of emotional twist.

They pray every second like pilgrims on the way to Mecca the holy land, nothing is new under the sun; the reality of this world is an illusion in the eyes of humanity. Every man to his own cross, no one will die for you in this vanity world, the mentality of humanity is corrupt with insanity for pleasure.

Listen to your conscience, and be in peace with your soul; show some love to brotherhood, and avoid hateful potions.
Let love flow around like river Nile, you can't change the world without changing yourself. Living in the world where people follow trend and hype, love is exactly what I feel; it is easy to see that we all need love.

Life is sweet, let enjoy the sweet taste of life; it is hard to avoid temptations in the darkest time. Stay on your kneels, and pray for your friends and enemies; don't betray your brothers like Judas Iscariot. Celebrate with the winners, and never overlook the losers.

The future is glorious, no celebration in hell. Life
keep discussing death but God does not play dice
with the world. Divine bliss falling on pure soul
while unfortunate sinners partake in the feast.

Am born to win and conquer my fears, there should be no limitations to what we can achieve together as one family bond together by blood and love.

Beat them and don't join them, conformity is another parasite sucking the future of the youths. Fake people are already to laugh and point fingers to my dark hours, but nothing can stop me now cos am the young Christopher Wallace.

Love is life and the essence of
living, sweet smell of the eastern
wind purify my soul but the
distance between us keep my heart

Don't try to hide your pains, even
the world is going through a hell of
pain in the hardship of lucifer

Smile of terror on the face of evil, the anti-crusader of new world era. Blame the angel of darkness crawling behind the shadow of fake prophet.

Your sexy smiles makes me lose myself in you, I can't wait any longer; this love is gradually driving me insane.

Life will definitely get better with you by my side, am not poor nor rich; but am capable to treat you right. Living without you is hell, sleeping on a lonely bed without you is a torture.

It's not a crime to fight death with your revolver, this moment won't last longer; this is the right moment for me to use my device.

I can't tell you what's happening in heaven, but I can tell you how cold this world was to me. Blood thirsty vampires want to suck my soul dry, but the almighty never forsake the meek on a sabath day.

We need to overcome challenges in order to be a winner, we need to face what's wrong in order to be right. The story of successful people is motivated by regret of wrong choices, and decisions; confront the troubles of today with positive orientation of success, the pains of today will not last forever.

Be motivated, and failure will never stop you, regret can't change the past, sorrow can't bring you bright future.
Stay focus, and keep moving forward. Only the strong will continue, the journey of success is rough and rugged.

Aston Marley Biography

Am African by birth, and i serve Jehovah God. Poetry is my gateway to the outside world of creativity. My works paint a perfect picture of how the world metamorphosis.)

The Best Poem Of Aston Marley

John Cena

We all don't want to be a slave to poverty, that's why some of you become a slave to money. Am not a prophet but I want you to pay attention to my words like John Cena in wrestling Ring.

Money cannot buy true love, but the world is in love with pleasure and vanity. Am not a wrestler but you can't see me like John Cena. Enemies here, enemies there; but my true enemy is myself and my selfish dreams.

Now am positive and fully charged with motivation and inspiration; I the right time to take over temptations and illusion in the world. The kids need to know the truths and grow.

Aston Marley Comments

Barnabas 17 November 2017

Nice written poem by opa i give it to you.

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Aston Marley Quotes

"You can't move forward if you keep looking back'

You can't cheat nature, but you're free to use nature for pleasure.

'special thanks to God for this wonderful Christmas, Santa was late this year; recession is stressing Africa everyday'

'Failure is not the end of the road, giving up is the dangerous path to destruction'

Open your heart to the words of God this year, don't get too busy chasing worldly pleasure and fantasy.

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