Genice Lorraine De Fabriciano

Genice Lorraine De Fabriciano Poems

Where is my sunshine?
clouds, beautiful as they are
still cover up my sunshine
when he's gone

We have prevailed
The United States of America
Has prevailed
Our people and government prevails

Keepin It Real and Not

I'm not a real person
I'm fake as they make

...when some days the colors of Blue
are the only way to describe your heart
in living breathing color
...Bluest of Blues

May the Autumn Moon
Hit your backside
And shine bright
Upon your face

Driving down
Curly hill
In the woods
Through the woods


My friend had a darling clothing store
with sparkly jewels, accessories, gifts
donning designer contemporary clothing

Butterflies of white
will kiss you good night
as dreams fly you up
and away like a kite

I was so close
I could touch him
As his music has always touched me
I reached out, in every verse

Have Fun! You're 4 Koda! What?
You are 4 fingers now....
Four candies

Singing it!
Hb2u, ew,

Boy❤ still continue to amaze me
You are the one who showed me
What love does mean.

Teddy's going...
long board surfing
in the ocean,
on a pink longboard...

Hello See's Candy Executive Team!
My name is Genice Lorraine,
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Hello See's Candy Executive Team!
My name is Genice Lorraine,
Hi there!
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Legends...what is it about favorite bands
music and hearing words that come back around
to visit you just at the right time...always
if you are actively listening

Let me set the scene for you- - My mother (a woman that's a little paranoid with technology is sitting in her easy chair as my sister is setting up some free apps for movies onto her new HD television)

'Now they will be able to see us' -Mom

This love
This love of mine
I give it to you
do with it what you must do

Every part of me is playing back the seconds that we shared
Slow Motion has the images frozen in a time warp
Slowly motion is pushing instant replay
Repeating itself over and over again

Some People talk about others-constantly
Others talk about themselves-incessantly
-better known as a narcissist-
Some people talk about the past

The Best Poem Of Genice Lorraine De Fabriciano

Ain't No Sunshine

Where is my sunshine?
clouds, beautiful as they are
still cover up my sunshine
when he's gone
days are long
I see his glimmer through the rain
then it stops
like clear raindrops
all that's left are salted eyes
wet and misty
looking up into the skies
for my sunshine to arise
and come to meet me
for our coffee
until then
ain't no sunshine
til he comes

Genice Lorraine

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Genice Lorraine De Fabriciano Quotes

To be unloved is almost as painful as loving.

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