Josephine Collett

Josephine Collett Poems


in the searing sunlight

Magpie, mudlark, currawong
Wake her with their garrulous warbling song
As sunlight through the branches illuminates the dawn,
They boldly sing their joyful praise to greet another morn.

This is where you will come to meet with Me.
I am everywhere, but if you come
I will be waiting to meet you here.

There is something happening to
the apple tree
The wintered grey branches
are changed beneath my fingers,

Will you come to me, unbidden
through the vast unreached chasms of my mind
when the world has forsaken and forgotten
all that I aspired to, a world rejecting and unkind

I saw the tear
before he turned away
and bade goodbye
And gave it not a thought

So many ways
Within the dandelion-blown passages of time
Of not knowing

All my life I have known
The shape of a track through sand and rock and stone
to the edge of pools where dark shadows
fill the water's face with reflected sky and willows

Why do you fly, lone traveller,
winging the surface of the dark water
When all have left and flown
to nest and home?

This is my physical body, recovering
From the onslaught of the enemy
This body that You, O Lord my Creator,
Formed in my mother's womb.

Dawn comes
with a faint lightness
on the eastern horizon
before the splendour

Blankets wrapped around me
warm as your loving arms,
I stretch out a hand in the darkness,
Knowing tension and tiredness

I left with plans
of journeys into life,
impressive sights, exhilarating sounds
the coursing pulse of friendship, dancing, wine


Blue irises,
tiny, unfolding,
Against a backdrop
of green, arching spires

Here I am for your pleasure-
Enjoy my humiliation,
Savor my degradation,
Even though I asked for it,


In the stillness of a winter night
when all the world is hushed and gone to bed
I walk alone the garden paths
and watch the myriad stars

cocooned inside this
bravely decorated cave
watching teardrops trickling,
down the windowpanes, trapped


not just for the dark
sleek headed kelpie, leaving
but for the little girl
in the window watching

A college art assignment
was my first
Then the teenage-girl studied

broken, tossed aside
sharp and hurtful she rides
adrift in an ocean of aquamarine

Josephine Collett Biography

Born in England, now living in Queensland Australia. Published poet and writer of short stories and articles. Follow my Christian writing blog at Community health worker and advocate for people living with a disability. Evangelical Christian, married with two children, native Australian garden and a houseful of pets.)

The Best Poem Of Josephine Collett

Woman At The Well John Chapter 4


in the searing sunlight
Glare stinging my eyes
with sudden tears
Behind the fortress walls
of surrounding houses
They surely watch

I can barely raise
one foot after another
Dust chokes
my dry mouth
This pot, my burden
like a dead weight
on my body.

I walk
this daily walk
of torment
I walk
It has been
for such a long time now
Must it always be so?

The Well

Today I met him
such a man
as I have longed to meet
for all my life
Today I met him, I
will never be the same again.

Today I talked to him
such a man
as I have longed to talk to
all my life
A man who talked with me
as if he had known me
all my life

Today he looked at me
He smiled at me
as noone else has ever done before
He knew my sin
and yet
he took my cup

Joy unquenchable
fills me
I will speak his words
throughout the land
I will never be the same
Because today
I met Him.

Josephine Collett Comments

Monty Gilmer 07 October 2012

Hi, Jo! You write beautiful poems. You're one of my favorite poets. (12 words: 6 plus 6.)

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