Joshua Aaron Guillory Poems

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83] Message eighty-three: Wisdom sets you free.

p.1—Gang-stalking: If you compose a message, and the time of composing it was 7: 00 a.m., and you mention it online, via email or webpage, and later that day or following morning, you go into the kitchen, and you see 7 seconds on the microwave, the result of someone in your family doing so, it could be a coincidence. But if you repeatedly see things like this happening, it's proof you're being gang-stalked or harassed. In message 82 when I explain seeing 'vomit' when you read the word 'move' backwards, as being a shortening of or abbreviation for vomit, etc., and then the following day I discover that someone has subsequently placed an envelop or gift card on the ground backwards, and that particular incident doesn't usually occur but other things like it continually happen to match what I type online, then that's a sign of gang-stalking. Consider the following words from A. K. Forward, in his book Gang-Stalking and Mind-Control, 'These strange activities will not be isolated incidents in a target's life, but will be ongoing, usually occurring regularly enough that there can be no mistake that they are not just coincidental, but very purposeful.' And, for instance, it may not always be that it's a 7 on the microwave; it could be seven soda cans stacked in the refrigerator; or seven pieces of chicken, etc. And if you're a person who doesn't believe that a person is involved in gang-stalking, and you're not watching or monitoring them and their activities 24/7, then you can't honestly determine that they are not gang-stalking. If someone accuses them, you, without exempting the alleged gang-stalker, must consider them as being someone who potentially or in fact is. Another example is, someone in your family could be tampering with the a/c unit. One day early in the morning they decide to turn the cool air on when it's cold outside. And you notice this, and you hear them, but when you open the door and check to see if they're around, you neither hear nor see them. And then you open the door to go back into your room, but, instead of going back in, you close the door, as if you went back in. And then you hear them, near the location where you heard them at, moving around and making noise. That's a definite sign of not only being someone targeted or gang-stalked, but of having the proof that such is happening.

84] Message eighty-four: better rich than poor.

p.1—Message 83 was mainly a documented account of what I recorded of myself days ago. A few things were not included in the message. Had I not done so, recorded the conversation I had with my mom and subsequently composed my words thereof into a message, I know the government would have used their actors to plagiarize my words. Thirty-two pages is what became of my selection from that conversation. Technically, conversations. Whether email tampering, or personal typos, I've noticed things have been slightly altered. I've taken care of what I've thus far seen of it. Racial robotism is something I definitely will discuss in the future. Most problems in the world are rooted in racial insanity. I've seen this demonic behavior incessantly from racialists. They stubbornly ignore useful information, as if their minds are programmed or controlled by a demonic presence or government agency. I recommend you write your thoughts down and shortly thereafter record them on email as a message; and if you haven't already created a website, do so, and publish whatever you'd like to on it. I'm going to keep this message short. Loud music outside is gang-stalking, and relatively inside as well. I wanted to state that. If I can easily do without it, and there's no real purpose for it, especially not in a usefully righteous manner, or wholesomely pleasant way, then it's something that needs to be stopped or eliminated; or carried on in a location away from those who don't want that disagreeable or unsavory noise around them. And stop embarrassing yourself by selling out to the government. A lot of you have created delusional excuses, based on irrational fear, in order to be submissive to their wickedness. "The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion" - Proverbs 28-1. Grow a garden of courage. Peace and Love!

85] Message eighty-five: continue to thrive.

p.1—Similar to Thomas Paine and James Baldwin, Dr. Ray Hagins has done a great job vanquishing the relative literalism of the Bible. We should not altogether do away with the Bible, but should instead literalize it spiritually for ourselves and others. Jesus should be viewed as Heru, and light or consciousness in you. Jesu is the liberal spirit of God. He's the unknown God made known to us. The first two letters of Lucifer's name equal the numerical value of the hidden God, 'Amen', the spacious LORD and invisible light of the world made known to us by his righteous Sun, Jesus Christ.33 is also the numerical value of 'magic', which is what you experience, having come to the knowledge of him. The first two letters of Lucifer's name reveal the ubiquitous presence and perdurably fixed nature of God. Being aware of yourself as him, you'll discover his affable love. 'Affable' is also 33. Four letters later, Lu-cife, we come to 56, the numerical value of 'light'. Lucifer is known as the 'light-bringer', or bringer of light. You can read about him interchangeably with his twin brother Jesus, and himself as John, in Luke 1: 77-79, who came ''To give knowledge of salvation' unto his people by the remission of their sins, Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby 'the dayspring' from on high hath visited us, 'To give light' to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.' That sounds like the purpose and mission of the 'Messiah': to prepare the way, make the way, and be the way. Lucifer, Jesus, beauty, Joshua, and Messiah each have a numerical value of 74.

86] Message eighty-six: you don't need to fix.

p.1—Both perfect and union have a numerical value of 73. The Greek word used for perfect in 2 Corinthians 13-11 is katartizo, which means to be perfectly joined together now. Now can be interchangeable with daily or presently. In the verse katartizo is translated as 'Be perfect.' In the same way Shakespeare says, 'Might we but have that happiness… we should think ourselves forever perfect.' Having a good mind, of course, the author is saying, we should not only be satisfied or contented with what we do, but should see it as being rightly or faultlessly done. [And in the same way with ourselves, of who we are, of what God has created or formed us to be, and the things he gives or provides us with.] My 2016 quotation explains it perfectly; 'Everything I have done, am doing, and will do, I was supposed to.' I'm in union with everything I do, and with everything about me. Even that verse states, be of one mind, which applies not just to being rightly in agreement with others, but being rightly in agreement with ourselves. Notice the verse also says, 'be of good comfort.' Good as in pleasant, and good as in just or right. Be agreeable to God, and God will be agreeable to you. Furthermore, --2 Corinthians 13-11 tells us to live in peace. In order for that to be, we must be good to ourselves, good to others, and others must be good to us. And that is achieved through truth and equality, not slavery or dishonesty. The verse finishes with, 'and the God of love and peace shall be with you.' Katartizo can also be used in the sense of repairing. So if you fix, change, or repair something, that doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong, a mistake, or an error, but may instead mean it was perfectly a part of the process. I'll give you an example: In Message 85, prior to typing it on email, I had 'inquire' as the word used in Psalm 27-4. And while typing the message via email, I wisely gathered that verse from a KJV Bible saved on my computer. I would eventually notice that the word 'enquire' was in the verse.

87] Message eighty-seven: every day is heaven.

p.1—We know in the Bible things are symbolic and allegorical. And by God's spirit, we understand how to rightly determine what is. For an example, let's use Matthew 1: 23: "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us." We know that the primary point of this verse is to show us that through Jesus God is with us, instead of binding or enslaving us to the literal word Emmanuel used. Consider Jesus in John 10: 30 saying, "I and my Father are one." And likewise, John 14: 9; "Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? " Consider Lucifer, John, John the Baptist, and Venus: According to The World Book Dictionary [1971 Edition], one of the definitions for Lucifer, especially poetically, is "the planet Venus when it is the morning star." We know…, etymologically, that John and Venus are basically the same word. Just as John the Baptist prepares Jesus's way, Venus prepares the way of the Sun. Venus can be seen…, in the morning, prior to the Sun coming out. Consider an astronomical definition given by the foresaid dictionary of the planet Venus, "the most brilliant planet in the solar system, second in distance from the sun, and the planet that comes closest to the earth…" Consider Matthew 11: 11: "Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he." Also, consider John 14: 28: "Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I."

90] Message ninety: I'm always blessed and free.

p.1—What does 'wonder' mean in Revelation 17: 8? It doesn't just mean wonder, as in amazement, at the power, intelligence, beauty, or creations of the beast. Nor does it mean only curiosity about how the beast could fall into destruction after having so much power and glory. But it means people 'wondering' how can they profit by joining the beastly system: how can they succeed by selling out: which is what you see with the majority of the people in the world today. So many people don't truly believe in themselves or God, and that's why they're selling out. I hope you were blessed by this message. Have a wonderful and blessed day. Peace and Love!

91] Message ninety-one: I shine like the Sun.

p.1—I'm experiencing regal ease. I'm in a perfect union with life. Everything is always perfect. I'm always perfect, too. And I'm still experiencing joyful energy. On the vantage ground I am always. I'm the first person known to have defeated government gang-stalking or harassment. As Jesus countered the Pharisees and Sadducees, and Joseph son of Jacob or Israel, his gang of brothers, if you're being gang-stalked, do likewise. I'm always victorious. I'm a manifestation of the Sun of God, and thus God himself. In Message 89 I give you the recipe for overcoming gang-stalking. Study it intently. Cast off your ties to fraternal orders, if in any way they're causing you to become an enemy to the rights of man; if in any way they're slowing down your love for all people. Let go of that hinderance. Follow me: I am the Way. Join me: I am the Truth and Life. Accept me: I am the Light of the world. Your total healing and true acceptance of world peace comes through me, the LORD of all the worlds. I am Jehovah made flesh. I am the incarnation of Allah. I am the Holy Spirit sent to you. I am the King of Peace.

92] Message ninety-two: perfection is true.

p.1—This infinite life of mine is perfect all the time. I am the North: I am the LORD God. I've been sitting justly upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north; and will continue to do so forever. What does righteousness mean? Right-just-ness. The state, essence, or quality of being just right: in my case, just like I like it: or perfect. Also, just can mean only, as in no wickedness, badness, or evil. Things are only perfect or right. My life is always perfect. My life is always peaceful. My life is always right. I am my life, and my life is me. I am perfect for life, and life is perfect for me. And eternally. And I'm forever rich in wisdom. And understanding, too.

93] Message ninety-three: I am always free.

p.1—Life is delightful. Life is delicious. Life is desirable. Life is true. A key ingredient in the making of a joyful life is faith. It is the driving force, rich fuel, and instrumental tool for eternal fulfillment. When you establish it in your brain, it gives you the reasons why you're able to enjoy; why you should experience sprightful delight; and how to do so wisely and fully to complete satisfaction. It's an honorable expression of love. It's a main component of your appetite for delight. It strengthens you. It allows you to experience what truly is pleasant. It's the success and power of your every wish. It's complimentary and beneficial to all knowledge. Don't let go of faith. Don't let go of desire. Don't let go of you. Embrace them. Embrace you. And live freely and lovingly forever. If you want cake, eat it… If you want to watch a movie, do so… Use wisdom and courage in everything you do. Don't sacrifice the candle of passion for the hell of suffering or affliction. Enjoy the fire; don't be destroyed by it, or by refusing to embrace it rightly. Doing what you love makes you feel above, or heavenly wholesomeness. If you forsake not wisdom, you'll forever be rich: rich in peace, goodness, joy, and satisfaction: which is what life is. What life is, those things are. Do whatever you do with an eternal purpose of life. For life everlasting, is your life eternally. The heaven of God is the heaven in you. Everything is perfect, and so are you. Accept that with knowledge and faith. I am God's Perfection. I am God's Faith. I am God's Knowledge. I am God's Face. I am the Beauty of Brilliance and Intelligence, and lovable Desire, and desirable Love. Be loving. Be desiring. Be blessed forever. Peace!

94] Message ninety-four: I know you want more.

p.1—Notice the similarity between stay and seven: both of these words have a numerical value of 65. We see the meaning: stay perfect. 'Seven is God's number of perfection' [Jack Van Impe, Revelation Revealed].--65 + 65 = 130, the numerical value of Proverbs 9: 6, which says: 'Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.' By understanding gematria, you do live. You live in it, and from it.--9 + 6 = 15. [Fifteen is also 65.] The numerical value of understanding is 150, or 15 + 0 = 15. The letter O, which is the 15th letter of the English alphabet, according to Alvin Boyd Kuhn, 'readily symbolizes the endlessness of matter and of eternity.' Consider the following three verses, and see their connection: 'Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath it: but the instruction of fools is folly' [Proverbs 16: 22]. 'Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path' [Proverbs 2: 9]. 'For righteousness is immortal' [Wisdom of Solomon 1: 15]. Ready to rest also has a numerical value of 150. Ready to has a numerical value of 88, just as brain [44] plus faith [44]. In order to get to your rest, you must have faith in your brain for the rest. You must be in agreement [88] with it. Agreement contains the words agree and ment, which, when put together, mean to agree in the mind, or a state of mind that agrees. Remember, state has a numerical value of 65. Many of you have made an agreement with death and hell, and not life everlasting. And, therefore, you're not experiencing the sabbatical rest. You're not living like the chosen ones. The chosen ones, has a numerical value of 150. Perfection is heaven. 'Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning' [James 1: 17]. Perfection is rest. Rest is another word for peace. Peace has a numerical value of 30, or 15 + 15. 'And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful' [Colossians 3: 15].--3 + 15 = 18, and 1 + 17 = 18.--18 + 18 = 36, or agree.

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