Kate Lechoe

Kate Lechoe Poems

When I look into your eyes, I see my image,
The same way you see your image in my eyes.
I believe that it is a prediction of our future,
We will continue seeing each other and our images,

Be in good faith
With those who are dear to you.
Show that you need them

How you listened through my mother’s womb,
I was also listening to your voice,
Your touch on the womb,
I felt your gentle palm passing over my world.

I'll be there for you,
Next to your heart, to listen,
By your side, to walk with you,
I'll never leave you when troubled.

I gave you my all,
I showed you my all,
But what did you give in return?
A broken heart,

The memories no longer linger in my mind for long,
They are long gone than I anticipated before,
It’s like the new appearance of a desert after a wind storm,
The dunes shift to a new position and size,

Maybe our meeting wasn’t meant to produce this.
I think we were just supposed to say ‘hello’ and depart,
Never to keep on seeing each other frequently.
Because each day I get to know you better,

The women before fought for the woman of today,
In order for her to be in better position,
A position where her voice could be heard by others,
Her views could be seen as of substance,

Every part of me is not acknowledging your absence,
But I have to let you go.
It has taken me much longer to accept this.
Maybe your love was like wind,

I lost my intended path,
Long before I could even restructure
Some chaos to make a defined idea,
The path that could have prevented scars

The sleepless nights,
Of soothing her little angel
Not bothered by the length of night.
The only important thing is to maintain


Family is very important in a society,
All or most yearn to have one; a perfect one.
Moments of happiness and sadness,
Is what each family goes through,

A leader in the media revealing a flaw,
In the government or another official.
Citizens sigh in relief: ‘Hhaaa…! We are progressing.’
Before getting to the bottom of the flaw,

How confused I was
How absent minded I was
When we first talked about how we feel.
I thought it will pass and nothing to happen after,

At times, tears can cleanse
But it recurs more than ones
The heart inflates it
The mind reloads it

You've conquered my heart,
Every part of my body submits to your touch.
You've occupied my thoughts,
Causing a smile to be always on my face.


Many months and years
Of bringing and shaping life
Taking many risks for her family,
Happiness is what she desires for them.

The Best Poem Of Kate Lechoe

See You In My Future

When I look into your eyes, I see my image,
The same way you see your image in my eyes.
I believe that it is a prediction of our future,
We will continue seeing each other and our images,
At close proximity.

You keep on imagining us being bonded physically by a ring,
But bonded inwardly by the love we feel for each other.
Never again thinking of the time when I say ‘I need to leave’,
That ‘walk me to the bus stage’ to go home.
However, I’ll be whispering into your ears ‘Let’s go to sleep’
That’s how I see our future.

I see you in my future,
I see many things we’ll do together, so many.
Having beautiful memories of our puppy love,
But then feeling the real love.
I keep on imagining, yearning and hoping,
To see you in my future.

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