Kelsey Gallant

Kelsey Gallant Poems

Just breathe
I fight the fatigue that incarcerates me
Eyes open

When Annie saw the rain
Coming down in sheets
She knew she couldn’t play outside
And tears flew down her cheeks

Remember back then, so long ago
When all we ever did was take it slow
When every day was fun and games
And innocence was innocence

You get me confused
One day it's a hug and the next it's a bruise
And I have some really great memories with you
But I don't understand the things that you do

He looks, he walks, he grabs his sack
He sneaks, he creeps, he’s on his way back
He puts his sack in his secret pond
And in the flash of a camera, he’s gone

Best I remember, it was Fourth of July
She was laughing as she slid down the waterslide
Jumping in, doing flips, making friends on the fly
I never would’ve guessed she held a secret inside

Thousands of years ago, there were two people named
Adam and Eve
They lived in peace with God, until they got deceived
Thousands of years of sadness and sin, and yet God never

My arms are drooping
I’m continuously yawning
I feel okay but so lethargic
It’s impossible to think

Look at the clock.
Noon, eleven.
What does it mean?
What is time?

Pay no attention to the girl behind the curtain
She's only insecure, anxious and uncertain
She hides the way she really feels by giggling and flirtin'
Hoping no one pays attention to the girl behind the curtain

Don't pick me please, I beg you
‘Cause what if you don't like me?
I'm happy here, hiding in silence
Under the branches of the Christmas tree

You're great at pretending
And so am I
I ask how you're doing
You tell me you're fine


Here I am
Draped in clothes of softest green
Protection from the world around


Picture it on a dark night, with animals
Hiding out of your sight
Oh, suddenly it rings! You jump! You answer it
No one there, you’re the only one home

No words.
While everyone else moves on, they cry.
While everyone else lives on, they died.
You can't replace

If you don't like me, please just tell me
It would hurt less than sitting in silence wondering what went wrong
Maybe you just don't think I can handle anything
But I'd rather try and fail than never have the chance

You still feel those shadows in your mind
You still have to live with them all the time
And they threaten to break you, try to overtake you
Shame you, disgrace you, erase you

Little girl on roller skates
Zooming around, doing figure 8's
Caught the eye of a boy around her age
As her parents hauled boxes every which way

I'm on a boat that's being barraged
It's your boat of self-sabotage
It's sinking more quickly than I can keep up

On one hand, the world does not revolve around you
On the other hand, mine has to
I'm in the position of utmost power
And you're a delicate flower, a glass tower

Kelsey Gallant Biography

I have always enjoyed creative writing. Whether I'm writing a story, a poem, a song, or a novel, I enjoy the process of creating something and then having a final, finished product. I write about things that are important to me- God, people, and nature- as well as whatever else I may feel like writing about at the time. I also enjoy writing poems for children. My brother and I compiled some of our poems into a poetry book called DeSSerted Island: Poem Collection. I have also published several novels. If you are interested in reading any of these materials, check out my amazon author page: http: //

The Best Poem Of Kelsey Gallant

Another Long Night

Just breathe
I fight the fatigue that incarcerates me
Eyes open
Heart broken
Here for however long you need me to be

We watched two a.m. come and go
As you ranted and raged against the world
Then three, then four, five-thirty and the sun awoke
You lifted your tired eyes
We'd made it through another long night

Just be
I'm running on less than two hours of sleep
But that's okay
I'll stay
By your side until all of the demons recede

I watched your emotions ebb and flow
Anger to despair to the lowest of lows
I stayed, I prayed, and finally the sun awoke
You met my tired eyes
We'd made it through another long night

And tonight
Will be just as difficult
I don't know when this cycle will end
But I refuse to lose my friend

So I'll be here
Feeling helpless but knowing I'm making a difference
Only once your breathing has become peaceful and slow
Will I allow my eyes to close

Ten p.m. and I'm watching your mood swing to and fro
Heart aching, wishing I could imbue you with hope
All you see is darkness, I will not leave you alone
Exhaustion pounds at my mind
It's going to be another long night

We'll watch four a.m. come and go
The minutes stretch into hours under the sky's dark cloak
You'll tell me to go get some rest, I'll shake my head no
Soon the sun will rise
And we'll have made it through another long night

Kelsey Gallant Comments

Kelsey Gallant Quotes

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, whatever you've done, the Lord looks at you with love.

Never can one thing replace another, for everything is itself in its own way.

It isn't always right to do what's easy, and it isn't always easy to do what's right.

Life is a sure to enjoy it.

We are co-authors in the stories of our own lives. The main author has already written the most amazing ending. It's our choice whether we want to accept that amazing ending- which is far, far better than anything we could come up with ourselves- or throw it away and write a different one.

It doesn't matter what anyone else does; do what you know is right!

Smile and be friendly to everyone you meet. You may end up making a huge impact in someone's life without even knowing it.

My prayer for you is that you may find peace, whoever you are and whatever you need.

Don't try so hard to match the rest of the world. Inside you is so much more!

Don't focus on what you could have done then. Focus on what you can do now.

There will be days when you feel like you're doing everything wrong. But you're wrong.

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