kelvin nwanji

kelvin nwanji Poems

Dirty clouds hover above the sky,
Hurricanes sweep through the city,
Fear grips the men, bleeds them dry,
Conflicting emotions, anger or pity?

Mother’s children killing mother’s children,
Blood of brothers slain by brothers,
Flows down even beyond home’s borders,
To strangers it cries,

I sleep in the shades called darkness,
In the hollowness of existence
Where every now petrifies me
And hopes are only impossible dreams.

Life is a mirage
A holocaust of opportunities and choices
What could have been,
Buried beyond six feet of what is

When darkness sits majestically,
And calamities claim rights to existence,
When happiness is eroded,
By rushing waves of blood and tears,

kelvin nwanji Biography

kelvin was born in lagos state, raised by a mother from Delta state, so i consider myself as an indigeon of lagos and delta state. i went to bessie international nursery and primary school after which i proceeded to ikeja grammar school oshodi isolo for my secondary education. i studied science labouratory technology, a-2-year diploma coarse at the university of nigeria nsukka between 2003-2005.i am current in the university of lagos trying to acquire a bachelors degree in business administration.)

The Best Poem Of kelvin nwanji

When My Memoir Will Be Done

Dirty clouds hover above the sky,
Hurricanes sweep through the city,
Fear grips the men, bleeds them dry,
Conflicting emotions, anger or pity?

Immutable, tears is powerless,
Pleasure now is considered redundant.
Vanity upon vanity, this occasion is endless,
Death's venom in life is abundant.

As the cock crows at dawn,
Destitute orphans hunt for a loaf or crumbs.
When silence screams out at night,
A widow's barrenness becomes her fright.

Bury me not while I breathe,
Seek me not when I will be gone,
Someday, my soul will be freed,
Then, my memoir will be done.

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