Saint Cynosure

Saint Cynosure Poems

Come close my love,
to touch your face,
wipe dry your tears for more.
For my flesh burns,

He had the dream,
to hear the screams,
of a million aching men.
He sold himself with rhetoric,

You're pathetically ugly,
thats what they all say.
As they frolic together,
in the summer and play.

The greatest poet to be found,
is by the numbers not just by sound.

Once you learn who you are,
you change what you were before.
You put new rags upon your back,
leave the old ones on the floor.


This world was built on little signs,
in lines in place by fives.
Signs to read aloud to friends,
and signs to walk right by.

Death sweet death,
the visitor,
dark color at my door.
I'm hesitant to answer,

All outside is white as snow,
except for Edgar Allen's crow.
Quietly and so serene,
till Edgar Allen's crow does scream.

A darker hour awaits her,
much to my delight.
Her temp of fate mistakes her,
but I shall set it right.

Use me,
abuse me,
show me that I'm loved.
Pick me up and kiss me,

On nights that are not full of moon,
I take my membrace walks.
Pass the broken buildings ruin,
where the ghost of all dead talk.

Don't close your eyes,
don't turn away,
for you might miss my move.
I'll take a risk that you don't see,

of words to be.
Written down,
to fill a need.

My eyes bleed tears,
because this curse,
thats laid upon my head.
Tis no reason left to live,

We two did become one today,
if only for a glance.
Our eyes they meet than danced away,
forbidden if by chance.

I scrub and scrub,
but my hands aren't clean.
Theyre still dirty,
from the filth Ive seen.

No words are spoke without a face,
no colors can be seen.
No sound is heard,
no scent is smelled.


You push and shove me,
but say you love me.
You hit and kick me,
and say you need me.

O circle of poets,
ring of friends,
Ive picked up my pad and pen.
To write the words that hang on walls,

I close my eyes,
I turn away,
and yet you stand here as to stay.
I do not live,

Saint Cynosure Biography

I am me and that is all I can say...A lot of poems are personal but most are 100%fiction...The dark poems are from request of a few readers...Hope everyone enjoys. GOD bless, Saint.)

The Best Poem Of Saint Cynosure

Come Close My Love

Come close my love,
to touch your face,
wipe dry your tears for more.
For my flesh burns,
for soft of yours,
from tenderness to sore.
Togetherness and tightly wound,
feelings like no other.
Not ashamed,
but jealously,
covered from the others.
We are all we'll ever need,
intoxicatingly we smother.
Come close my love,
to touch your face,
in the silence of a lover.

Saint Cynosure Comments

Amber ... 19 September 2008

nice poems.

3 0 Reply

Saint Cynosure Quotes

We set ourselves up for disappointments by having expectations, we never have expectations we shall never be disappointed.

Truth is just a word that hides within a world that is full of lies...

Wisdom is a lonely child with none too few to slay...

When the World gets you down, remember its still underneath your feet.

War with all its evil schemes can be the biggest act of kindness

Sour is still a flavor its just not has sweet

Loves less often felt for those whom fall far short the plight

The hardest pathway walked in life leaves a trail that you can't lose...

GOD cannot be to us, what we are to him...

Has our LORDs sorrow was for us, so must our joy be for him...

Although man cannot buy the world, he will try to pay the rent...

The elusiveness of perfection is why we rearrange.

The more you love the less there is to hate...

You wont start living until death is all that you know

Some pictures come out bittersweet as time does turn them all

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