Lei Strauss

Lei Strauss Poems

Whirling blue pool
I see you there
As sun shines so bright
I see you flare

Gives everything I need
I'm her most precious seed
The one who caresses my fears
Life is as bright as my leers


She left you alone without saying any word
This rumor is circulating, it's all in the world

Sometimes I wonder
How we made this so far
With all those days
Missing each other's arms

Tell the world how I stumble everyday
But you can't say it to me
If you have little problems
Throw words straight in to me

Grow little tree and stand tall like sky
Let your leaves grow as they'll learn how to fly
Grow little tree for more generations to come
Help the world realize that life is only one

Sleep my child and rest in peace
You will always be loved my ever dear
Everyone cries in one roof where your body
sleeps tight and won't wake up forever

Wearing ragged and untidy clothes at night,
There was no make-up but a little dust on our faces,
With improvised instruments made by little hands
We let people felt the spirit of Christmas

Facing the crowd where you stand alone
gleaming and making a history of your name.
As people's whispers turn to noise shouting
priceless admiration of your fame.

I was robbed in a moment
Everything was lost in a second
Just because you had the authority
Manipulated the things I've never done

And the cemetery was filled with muteness
where no voices were heard from the dead.
It's beautiful, sad, deep and tragic.
Thoughts flew with the wind as spirits

Christmas carol on Christmas day!
People are singing, joy outrage!
Christmas shopping at big malls
Girls buy party dress at small stall

In a crowd where everyone dances the same rhythm
One tries to get along with the new beat
But if trying to fit in is the meaning of acceptance
The world must be in state of hypocrisy

Bunch of high school memoirs
Way back when I was young
The frowns on my face
Repeats my yesterday's youth


Tie my hands and lay me on a bed of fire
Unleash ultimate fantasy in your mind

It takes a lot of time to master such skill
There are lot of downtimes but I climb on my hill
There are days that my body is strained and about to give up
But I go back to self- determination and rise up

I am writing this masterpiece
Addressing this poem to my old friends
It was like yesterday when we just met
Back to those days of innocence

I'd like to change for the better of myself
If it has to take a painful surgery
I'll do everything I can
To be fully accepted in a society

I'm dreaming of a little girl
running around my house
wiggling her butt as she eats
the fanciest cake I ever made

I'd very much like to be excluded
Don't want to be part of your identity
Never see myself growing with you
For you are worse than an enemy

The Best Poem Of Lei Strauss

With You

Whirling blue pool
I see you there
As sun shines so bright
I see you flare
The smile you wear
It is something
More than a dream
But how you stare me
Looking my eyes
Don't want to glare
Just a perfect time
In a perfect place
Where it's just me
Sitting next to you
It is enchanted
Wanting time stops
Or just repeat
Savor this moment
So young and sweet
When you start talking
You mesmerize me
Your pretty eyes
Your cute nose
They are nothing
Than your thoughts
Your outlook
Your perspective
Your life
Something I admire
More than your face
Lucky to know
I know someone
A person like you
You're a package
I just like you
I will spend some time
Talking to you
No dull moments
No odd moments
When I'm with you

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'The tip of my pen speaks better than my mouth'

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