leticia starkey

leticia starkey Poems


pain surrounds you day to day
nothing helps it go away
pain in muscles pain in joints
pain so bad in trigger points.

when i was born
i really didn't know alot
as i got older i seemed to get bolder
but time marches on

I hope your the right friend
i hope to keep you until the end
until the day we depart
i hope to keep you in my heart

you dont understand me
i'm your little girl trying to break
i'm your little girl thats lost trying to

A puzzle together
a puzzle apart
each piece belongs to my heart

It’s a lot harder growing up today.
Then anytime before
Youth today are surrounded
By drugs, and violence


Sometimes life can be a pain
when your life just stays the same
when you to keep up with the game
it just seems like your life stays the same

i'm thinking of you always
your smile that makes my day
your smile that keeps me running your way
your smile i love.

Sometimes I sit in my room in cry
over the friend that had to die
I look to god and cry out why
why did my friend have to die.


Mom is the word for you
There is nobody that can take your place
You’re the one that helps me to run this life.

I miss you
I don't see how I can live without you today
you taught me how to live life to the fullest
be all that I could be

The other day I cried out for help
Nobody there to listen
I have been dealing with my pain for along time.
But nobody seemed to notice

Don't listen when they tell you that you can't be somebody well known someday
Don't listen
to the stupid remarks people say
Don't listen

i'm shooting for the stars
i want to reach mars
i'm a girl that has so many dreams
but i'm lost trying to find me

In this world carry’s a lot of pain
It showers the world like big drops of rain.

You can walk down the street and cry


how can you love the people how hurt you?
and hate the people who love you?
well these are the questions I ask myself daily
because I loved the person who beat me I wanted her to love me back

You didn’t listen
When I told you I was hurt
Instead you told me to get over it
And not to be a baby I thought you cared.

leticia starkey Biography

my name is leticia rebecca starkey i live in anthem i'm a foster child who has been around arizona alot i've been a foster child since i've been three and now i'm just me happy and free so live through the struggles it just makes you stronger)

The Best Poem Of leticia starkey


pain surrounds you day to day
nothing helps it go away
pain in muscles pain in joints
pain so bad in trigger points.

pain that comes and pain that goes
pain that keeps you on your toes.
pain that people think is in your head.

pain that people don't know
when you sit in your bed wishing you were dead
pain that they will have to go through
pain they will have to see.
what it took to just be me.

pain I go through just at school
pain I wish will make me cool
pain that they will never see what it took to just be me

pain in your life
that makes you strive
to just survive

pain that it took
To just be me
pain i go through.
but people can't see.

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