Luke Hobbs

Luke Hobbs Poems

Money trail reveals factor
To assemble humans follow layout
Swat down charges with linguistic racket
Sticks more effective than carrot dangle

are we nothing more than someone's son,
the sum of our parts, an equation,
unbalanced inside of history,
lives on loan from those who came before,

emotion, that current producing naught,
the illusion of forward momentum,
as your feet sink deeper into the sand,
I set my strength against this subjection,


Taken as a given
Connection pivots upon pure affection

beat, bellow and decay,
is there nothing more,
cold liquid crimson,
colorful tainting,

taking wing with the dawn,
of a new horizon,
we fix our gaze,
above the masquerade,

Take leave of this
Veneer of contented containment
Go tell your thoughts
Delineate the shades of

The narrowing of choice, opaque or black?
Unconfident die castes vote ballot blank,
How has our circus bread become this bland?
What a diverse homogeneous blend,

between us there is only one,
with something to offer,
one who takes,
one who requests nothing,

How are you keeping, ma'am, I'm
Fine, while below the surface my
Life's a stack of newspapers, randomly
Blanketing the furniture, they block the

dare grapple the manifest,
night approaches on padded paws,
plight transcends simple sentience,
fight fear with closed eyes,

There once was a poet from London,
Whose verses often veered t'word a pun,
He suffered the asthma,
Had anemic plasma,

To all celestial siblings gathered here,
The salutations of our salvation,
Living water to all those you hold dear,
To the enemy's minions, damnation,

'till time is no more
I will glide upon
grace granted and measured
out to the rhythm

my broken heart
shivers in water waiting
hypothermic for the inclusion
of loneliness devoted


default, your domain undisputed,
a challenge to accept,
that we are the exception,
never asking exemption,

the martyrs' dream remains unfulfilled,
we race toward immortality,
not having learned to live,
searching for succinct sentiments,


twelve years, old friend,
I was always here
they've all sailed away,
I'm always here,

darkness no longer frightens,
no monsters lurk here, save one
save me,
the mirror is blind to it,

The Best Poem Of Luke Hobbs

Number Of Man (Webster's Ninth)

Money trail reveals factor
To assemble humans follow layout
Swat down charges with linguistic racket
Sticks more effective than carrot dangle
Arguments sustained by pundits' jangle
Beached on shallow force Fed truths we paddle

Pedantic pets get paddle
First world states where offspring are a factor
Searching for meaning results in jangle
Pogroms programmed in digital layout
Preach peace while children from clotheslines dangle
Dichotomy the full courtpress racket

Tax credit skin trade racket
Birth control for those learning to paddle
Tout facts as contexts, like syntax, dangle
Infrastructure to control the factor
Roman Rhodes lead all through latent layout
Deaf ears strain to hear warning bell's jangle

Legalized fictions jangle
Integration catalyzed by racket
A body of work produced for layout
Leaves us without proverbial paddle
Multiply the lie to find the factor
What tales are told from the yardarm dangle

Join the police state dangle
Riot inciting projection jangle
Plausibility denying factor
The legislative extortion racket
Brings independence beneath the paddle
All contingencies covered by layout

Camp Kapos marked for layout
Every scapegoat has his day to dangle
No room for slaves who refuse to paddle
Loose lips fill shipping lanes by their jangle
Synthetic avatars fuel our racket
Never ask what long term effects factor

Layout a dialectic to jangle
Dangle clues via distracting racket
Paddle but fail to account for the Factor

© L.K. Hobbs 2018

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