Ogolla Enock Poems

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Soldier. Soldier.

Soldier, Soldier,
This vile world is not a place of peace
You cant expect to dwell in ease
While others paid the ultimate price

Life Is A Quest.

Life is a hunt. An endless quest for things
not yet attained, but still longed for.
Some thirsts are quenched, but many
are left questioning the answers.

Bigger Prayers

The hands of providence are ever at work.
If you have not, it's because you ask not.
Beyond asking, seek and knock,
you only get as good as you sought

The Vow

Promised someone forever,
to hold and to keep.
Hands may have grown cold,
But a promise is a promise,

Flowers And Heroes.

Flowers have an untold story,
the mistreatment by reckless hands,
the scorching sun, the heavy rains,
and the pests that threaten their demise.

No Man Is An Angel

No man is an angel.
No man is infallible.
Our experiences may be singular
But our story is similar.

A Gallery Of Regrets

In my youth, I lived only by reason
Unaware that there is more to life than
what's seen, felt, smelt, heard, or touched.

The Source

goal, guts, and guidance are the determinants
of one's success. The magnitude of the goal,
the amplitude of the gut, and the clarity of the guide.
But it's the Lord God who elevates the goals,

The Measure Of A Man

The place to know the true nature and measure
of a man is not by his popularity, intellect,
religiosity or reputation but in His own Home
and how he deals with those under his care.


Beware of regress and stagnation.
To tread thrice a path you'd
have trodden only but once
Or overstay in one place,

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