priscah Mutswenje

priscah Mutswenje Poems

In the middle of the African medal map
Sits Kenya, an expansive breathtaking beautiful bright chap
Hooked and booked for life that overflows its tap
With streams, hills, and valleys that perturb

It soothes when it sinks deep into us
It soothes when it sinks deep into us
It fools when it holds our words
It steals our breaths

It is never enough until we get where we want to be
HUMANLY I believe that is or is it just me?
We may hide and side with spiritual leaders
Not that you fall on the wrong, or that it matters

The fruits fell not far from our feet
With technology and trends that fit
Thanks Kenya Railways for the defeat
Of tiresome delirious journeys on roads

I long to travel to my motherland, in the rurals
I long to use the smooth smart roads
I will take a ride with everyone in the biggest bus
That will let me see the best of your services

I look in the future and pretend there is no past
But the past lingers around like a dreadful ghost
obstructing my way and destructing present with past
building mountains from hillocks and raising the dust

It was only a wish and you took it for a blacklash
The moment was excruciating then turned to a lash
If only you had not taken it as a signal for rush
Maybe the plot could turn and twist without a crush

I feel like i should just be me

I think like a free being

7 pm 9th December two twenty two is a memory not to shade
The tragic turned comedy scenario tells me it's not time to fade
This is a lie tell me so for i can't comprehend such a let down
It is this critical excitement that almost brought me down

Friends and foes have clear faces
This is a lesson all of us must posses
To overcome heart attacks and shocks
Because a foe is a foe and a friend is a friend

I do not want to talk about harassment
This ugly sin that keeps us in the basement
I want us to talk about old or New Testament
Where love, patients, humility, and care is found

You want to fly and sail like superman
You want to fight without losing like batman
You want to hide never to be seen like Spiderman
So many aspirations, boy, so many little man

If you always do what you have to
Then you will always have more than two
In the tasks you do and the words you share
If you would only work in class as a pair.

I am special
I am that special being, me
(pointing at self with pride)
One sweat intelligent head


Start now with a zero and soon you will write ten
Step by step you will be up in the sky
No one can cover up your dreams
You can build a pyramid is you want

This is a secret you should learn
If you try and if you do not win
Do try once more;

Who will notice your fame if not your admirers?
Who will justify your nature more than your competitors?
That envy and echo of deeds proves your are more than cactus

Boom Boom Boom, these are abnormal sounds
Break my heart into pieces and litter my maths
And shutter the sweet dreams of my youths
Its sharply pierces my peaceable skin, kiths

Living in third world countries is like a state of emergency
You are not yourself and everything is of urgency
You wait for oxygen, gamble for water and meet insurgency
Not even your neighbour wants anything to do with tangency.

They make you young.
They give you a reason
to smile and take a break.
They check your tongue.

priscah Mutswenje Biography

Mutswenje Priscah, born in the vibrant village of Imbiakalo, Kakamega North, Kenya, in 1986, is a dynamic individual whose journey weaves together a tapestry of academic achievements, professional endeavors, and a passion for creativity. As the daughter of Atlight Owano, a dedicated agribusiness lady, and Shem Makwali Mutswenje, a respected former primary school teacher, Priscah's early life was marked by a rich blend of discipline and learning. Being the second born in a family of eight siblings - Helen Bakhoya, Nancy Muyumia Elizabeth, Consolata Okobola, Eunice Buronya, Isaac Mukhwana, Augustine Barasa, and Marcella Mukabana - Priscah embraced her role as a sibling with warmth and responsibility. Her educational journey commenced at Imbiakalo Primary School, where her agility and quick learning abilities became evident. Moving on to Lukume Primary School and sitting for the KCPE in 2000, she demonstrated her academic prowess by scoring an impressive 335 marks out of 700. Priscah's secondary education at St. Patrick's Bukhakunga Secondary School showcased her dedication to academic excellence. Despite starting at the bottom ten, she climbed the ranks to become one of the top 5 students. Unsatisfied with her initial KCSE results, she took a supplementary exam the following year, achieving a B Plus and earning admission to Kenyatta University in 2006. At Kenyatta University, Priscah pursued a Bachelor of Education in Arts, majoring in English and Literature. Graduating in 2010 with a Lower Division, she embarked on a career in education, teaching at Yattastar Private Girls School, Banana Hill Girls, and later at Chawia High School, Mwatate, Taita Taveta, after being hired by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) . Beyond her dedication to education, Priscah is a versatile individual. An avid reader and accomplished author, she has various written poetry, oral literature, written literature, and readers series. Her entrepreneurial spirit is evident in her engagement in business, farming, and academic writing. Serving as a mentor, Priscah has actively contributed to the growth of students in singing, writing, and life skills. A mother of two children, Trizah Naliaka and Authur Wanyotta, Priscah is not only a strict and determined individual but also a content creator on three channels - edutainmentforus, mutswenjedancesandsinging, and prissyforlife. Her content covers English and Literature instruction, Fasihi, farming, dances, singing, drama, and general life. Priscah's journey reflects her go-getter attitude, strategic mindset, and enterprising spirit. As she dreams of working internationally, her impact as a mentor, educator, and content creator continues to inspire those around her. A lady of iron, Priscah remains committed to her pursuits, leaving an indelible mark on the lives she touches.)

The Best Poem Of priscah Mutswenje

Kenya, Our Motherland

In the middle of the African medal map
Sits Kenya, an expansive breathtaking beautiful bright chap
Hooked and booked for life that overflows its tap
With streams, hills, and valleys that perturb
Tembea Kenya, it is me and you

Waiting in the dark, are its lively lions
Walking in the day, stand the steady elephants
And the tall bouncing buffaloes amuse its fans
As they tour the surrounded by a fair classic fence

Spacious sceneries of Maasai Mara, Tsavo, and Amboseli,
Mount Kenya, Sawia, Hells Gates created wonderfully
Inspiring flamingoes, sensuous beaches stand beautifully
The hot springs appetizingly flowing baldy and boldly

A survivor of sunshine a beneficiary of the rain
Silently witnessing the from the vast plain
Pulling its young ones from the malicious chain
Until its calves escape the piercing pain

Kenya our motherland, nourishing seas with springs
Beyond are diverse and sweet seductive songs
That lull and humour to press down pangs
See the trees, sisal, bamboo and many strings

Come tour Kenya a land of massive vicinities
Learn your motherland and its bountiful beauties
In its parks, hot springs, museum with monumentalities
See the lovely evidence of violent now passive volcanicities

Come to the Great Rift Valley, Kiboko Bay and Haller park
See the Manda Bay, Wasini Island, Mt. Kenya National Park
Our city Nairobi and Mombasa await with a full and sure pack
Mt Elgon, Fourteen Falls rise and fall in the Kenyan Ark

Tour Kenya Kenyans it is your mother
Visit Kenya Kenyans, seek a sister and brother
Let's fancy these golden opportunities together
Come our beloved tourists it is no land as other

priscah Mutswenje Comments

priscah Mutswenje Quotes

It is never too late to wake up to take the race

The stupor's abuses only denounce we should not pronounce them if we want to announce ourselves in public

sweat justly felt fills a full day than a light luck

when you hear whispers be sure someone is idle and wants to divert your attention; the best action should be to ignore and stay focused.

Mwenye ari hakosi kutimiza azma, mwenye ndoto ndiye aishiye kwenye usingizi kuche kutwe.

Every individual is unique in one way or another, if we dig deep into this we surely will find something constructive in everyone.

Until you see the last of me, I may be planning for a better tomorrow.

Mkosa and mkosewa huitaji kutafuta uhalisia, ungwana ukikosekana wote ni wakosa

The sanity of a man is under taste; when he explodes the saturation point is overwhelmed

Your value may not be where you are, explore elsewhere are you will surely know why your are

The journey to knowledge starts with curiosity while the stream to failure is silence

An impact can be experienced in multiple ways; emotional, physical, or psychological and those who do not testify about it have an experience too.

Bitter harsh life makes one hesitant to vain advice

A real lesson could be from that tragic encounter in life: if you ask why the answer would be what do I do in future?

I am not who I was and I will not who I was because life is an ongoing industry manufacturing people through experience. So you may never have my full profile until the industrial process is over.

It should not bother you that your in laws disapprove of you; if you met them first would you consider their son or daughter?

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