Sossi Khachadourian

Sossi Khachadourian Poems

I am a Syrian and i'm proud
In this country people still have a heart.
Still their values are their guides
Although all the world have unreasonable hateful reaction against us

Morning is blue

Lovers screw

The secret of happiness is not hidden behind the distances of perfection
Nor in posessing dozens of gold and wealth

Between life and death
There's another path
Some of us choose to live there
Away from life there's another place for broken hearts

Just wanted to appreciate

To one whom I've never met

love is a game filled with

And who to blame

Bloody eyes tired of Cry's
Died heart's desires
Living or not who fears the death
While simplest rights are snatched away

Thousands of kisses to the sun above

For those precious moments have passed with the time

on the feeble fleo

there's a glittery snow

Not motivated to write as I used to, today nothing can inspire my soul to fly again

About a city missed up through fires and dusts

Humanitarians and the preachers for the world's peace

Where had all the world gone while they must cease

Love can't make my eyes cry
I can't give another try
Yet I'm tired of lifetime cry
Love wounds once again unable to try

I come to you tonight

My hands are opened wide

How an amazing is the one who's pleasure in life is giving
How peaceful would be our lives
If everyone of us had the sensitivity against of the responsibilities as a human being

Did you know my love?
I've built a home there inside my heart
Though I know my love
Never again you'll come

Remember me every year when the summer comes again
When the sun shines above golden and bright
Like your heart
I know how you feel

Last day of the year

A bit and new year will be here

I cannot sleep tonight

Outside it's snowing pain and life

The thing that I can't live without
Without writing thoselines
Sometimes poor

Just I was thinking about love
What it does how it comes
May I could give a description of love
Though I know its hard to be described

Sossi Khachadourian Biography

Hi I'm a " Syrian Armenian" , i grew up away from my hometown " Armenia" , but my hometown since my childhood till the day exists here inside deepest place in my heart and soul.It's the most beautiful place at the world. I have born and grew up in Syria you know it's something strang depending to several places my grandfathers came from Turkey to Syria....As I said it's very strang feeling. being an Armenian and living in an Arabic country.. Because of that I do use 4 languages during my daily life, (Armenian, Arabic, Turkish, English) , It's a little bit hard to keep the balance between many languages, I studied and graduated from Karen Jeppe Armenian College, About poetry I begun writing. since I was just 9 years old At first for sure i begun to write in 'Armenian' language my 'mother language' then in 'Arabic' and 'English', I guess it's something not always about education, For sure that the education is very important for everybody, but what I want to say that writing is more about having especial ability and inspiration because of that I think that it's about being gifted from God, i do believe in God and Love, and I know that the God is love and I trust him.)

The Best Poem Of Sossi Khachadourian

I'M A Syrian And I'M Proud!

I am a Syrian and i'm proud
In this country people still have a heart.
Still their values are their guides
Although all the world have unreasonable hateful reaction against us
Without reason without whys

But after storms sun alway shins
RealIties no one can ever hide.
Through darkness light will come
I know that God is watching over us

I am a syrian and I will survive
No one can ever shake my pride
Although all the world with pointing fingers are accusing us
For those haters harmful acts
We are the victims of humanities unfairly madden cruelest
Their hands are filled
with my brothers blood

Bloodthirsty hands who used to change masks
accused us with their acted crimes
While their Poisoned swords still cuting our hearts
A thousands years worthy culture is destroyed
After a lifetime hard work people have lost all that they own
Returning back to begining poin but this time they are tired and old

Syrian matyrs
Suffering mothers woes
Homeless poor kids tears
Are asking you to leave
Leave Syria in peace as it always was
As I know even animals have more pity and mercy!
But you don't have a bit.
You kill innocent people for your nasty greed!

Sossi Khachadourian Comments

Dalia Darling 27 July 2014

Dear poet its a very great pleasure for me to leave a comment about you and thanks that I had this chanse simply you are an adorable poet Your poems always gave me a courage and your pure spirit makes them just perfect.

11 0 Reply
Majed Fox 15 August 2014

Dear poet Sossi Khachadourian I appreciate every single word that you write your poems brings happiness and inspiration to my world I adore you, amazing poems you're gifted with a pure heart and angelic feelings..your my favorite.. Your poetry is pouring your heart on paper, It, s pure Love, your a poet of the heart.

10 0 Reply
Loulou Saraf 05 August 2014

Admirable as all your poems always have influenced in me, you have a perfect way to turn and express even the saddest poem's story inspirational, one word to say your my favorite.

9 0 Reply
Saeid K 11 April 2014

You are great Sossi significant poem

7 0 Reply
Fabrizio Frosini 15 December 2014

interesting poetry, interesting life. A 'Hello' from Italy, Sossi!

6 0 Reply
Kristina Kincaid 19 November 2019

sorry m y email didn't come up fully below kristinakincaidaol

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kristina Kincaid 16 November 2019

my email is KristinaKincaidaol

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Kristina Kincaid 16 November 2019

Hello Sossi, I love your work! I am writing a series of books on Eros and would love to include your poem Lost Desires in one of the volumes. Let me know if you would be open to that. Thank you very much, Kristina

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Hamude 07 October 2018

Wunderschöne Gedichte. Ich bin stolz auf deine Talent. Ich wünsche ihnen viel Erfolg

0 0 Reply
Kevork 25 September 2018

Hages hedes khoser garevor

0 0 Reply

Sossi Khachadourian Quotes

Whenever pain is survived, Pitied people has gone so far.

Give me your hands Then we'll climb highest mountains with laughter and prayers, Forgetting you fears then at the top of the highest hill you will admire the beauty of the friendship and your hidden courage.

What's the happiness all about, choices that comes across the life, catch the right one and be aware, when your turn comes don't lose your way.

At this awful world that's full of hate and the hearts are bare, I wonder how can the glory of love still survive!

Awareness and wellness can make our world a better place, it will be easier to ban any fault before it happens instead of trying to cure or solve after it happened!

The secret of happiness is not hidden behind the distances of perfection.

A smile is the best _To prove that the Life is going on.

Be the candle that lights other's dark, Don't be savage for what you possess now, They're today your's, Tomorrows are always hidden. gestures, unknown!

Distances separate our bodies, yet they bring our souls together.

No one can make the man stops fear, when the hope of the heart disappears.

Your chance of winning will end up, the moment that you start giving up.

Blaming insensitive people is alike and as useless as blaming  the dead in the grave.

The way to happiness is the happiness itself it's all about first step determination and the will within then the circle continues growing and that's it.

Learn to appreciate all the beauties around you its a way to do a good job too!

Instead of blaming people for their failures; GIVE them your HANDS to RISE them up and HELP them walk.

One of the greatest gift you can give to anyone is the gift of attention.

Music is the nutrition of my soul With it's magic heals up my wounds Inspires me to fly there at the blue sky Music cradle my heart sway my soul

The pain is like a heavy bag filled with stones, And you have to carry it with you wherever you go, You can't leave it or throw it away, Unless your pain is cured!

When it's about Art I don't care for political views, Art and Artists for me live In another world apart from the world's ugly facts.

The most unfortunate thing when we fall in love with the wrong person or when people we trust hurt us, it's normal that the human being is unfair and cruel sometimes more then an animal, but they leave us In a huge emptiness scary loneliness they make us loose the faith and the trustworthy that make our lives hard to survive!

Hope is the key that opens closed doors to happiness!

Be who you are Do what do you love to do Never ignore your dreams they are the meaning of your life!

Giving is the most inspirational emotion for me when I see the smile of the other's my soul flies to the blue skies and my heart makes me feel as it never will die !

Agree or don't nothing going to be changed with the negativity even if you're going to cut off yourselves to thousands of pieces So hold on to positive thoughts so tied and let them guide your path!

Only person I can trust is myself!

What will be will be no tears no fears will ease destinie' s unfair beats!

In the whole world there's no soul is greater than the suffering one who tries to make others happy!

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