Susan Wall

Susan Wall Poems

As there are times my mind likes
to drift away back to that place
of endless peace.
This makes me want to reminisce

When taking my evening walk; you came to me in thought.

The spring air seems to make forget

Lord you’re my God, when I fall which I do

there are just times when it’s hard to get up.

Ladies abusers are on the loose, they are connivers

and liars waiting to take their next prey.

Let us live in this world, but be at peace with harmony.
Look at nature for she knows no war, everything works in harmony.
She knows when to rebirth, she knows when life must die.
She gives love threw her warmth, she gives us winter to make us strong.

Death even the word sounds cold
It is something that will unfold
in everyone’s life is what I was told.
The sin of Adam and Eve is now why death

I knew you for a few short years
and then you walked away.
Not knowing what I did, I asked myself why
did my Mommy go away?

I have seen many that have went on before me
the quiet path they had to walk alone.
When they saw their lifeless body lying there
as others did weep.

Little soul your external life has not begun

but the soul that is life surly is alive and well.

Jesus you are the light, so many just want to shut you out.
The enemy has always has put up that fight
so many hate the light of truth.
Many feel that being self-righteous, is how mankind should be.

As walking along this beautiful warm spring day
it was as though the heavens and my mind
became in harmony as one.
The tranquility of nature, I felt as though my soul could fly.


When souls that are living on this earth say “there is no God”
their mind is so miss-guided from the truth.
We are made from the divine one
why to some that is not feasible to believe?

Time holds memories that never end.
Time continues even when you
have come to your end.
This short window, we call our lifespan

God you made me this is true,
sad to say things did not go as planned.
Fell into sin, what a life the devil gave me.
This life only left me broken and torn,

The Jews would not accept their own as Lord and King

that who we know as Jesus you see.

Three years ago I went to thing
all said that being gay is a shame.
That was a life style that was not the first choice.
When you feel you lost your voice from abuse

There was a guy named Mike,

he made me feel so psyched

Teach my soul wisdom that I may grow
like the weeping willow planted by the sea.
The teaching of old carries many treasures
the same as those things that are buried

I could not stay, and watch you fade away from me.
As much as I love you, I must go away.
Please understand in my heart, you will always stay.
It is just too hard to stay.

Life as a child was one that most
in today’s world could relate.
I do not want to create a poem
that is feeling sorry for me.

Susan Wall Biography

I am a born again Christian. I go to a church that preaches the word from the Bible and tends to follow Pentecost beliefs. Some years ago you would call that kind of church a Holy Roller church. I am very proud to be called a Christian. Jesus saved me from hell and gave me a new life. I am a mother of three and a stay at home house wife. I love to write and share with others what God has done for me. Writing poems is my outlet and I write to cope with stress as well. I feel that God has given me the gift to write and I want to make a difference to someone that may be hurting. Maybe my writings will lead someone to the Lord through the witnessing of my life experiences. God bless those who read this book. I am also known as the Dreamer when identifying myself to other people. I am just a sinner saved by grace.)

The Best Poem Of Susan Wall

Lake Redman

As there are times my mind likes
to drift away back to that place
of endless peace.
This makes me want to reminisce
of the days lost in time.
I remember, that beautiful warm day
as the bright sun was shining down
in all its loving warmth
and splendor on my face.
Sitting on an old, red picnic bench
as hard as a rock in the summers light.
As the wild Geese slowly walked
towards me begging for food
I just admired how large they are in size.
The breeze that gently passed through
my long flowing hair was a moment
that I just want to clutch in time.
The air was as crisp and clean as country
folk always said it is.
Sipping on my cold Coke there
my mind drifts away
as I just let my worries drift away in the lake
never more to remain inside of me.
Here is where I set myself
free and begin to dream.

Copyright c Susan Wall March 1- 2014

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