Travis Casey

Travis Casey Poems

The Swan Of Passion

The other swan laughs and call me names
for I HIV inside me

Today's Prayer

Today's I am happy
probably Today I am happy

Jackson Dream

I lower my head and say prayer to my lord.
When tomorrow start without me

A War to get to You

Being far from you,

Brick Walls

Brick walls can stand tall.


I saw hope today. She knocked on my door three times, No I didn't commit a crime. I saw hope today. As she was standing in a red dress to take away all my stress. I must say I'm truly blessed. She never makes me feel no less. When push comes to shove Hope love always come down from above. Hope love fits like a glove. I love Hope with all my might for she'll never leave my sight. Hope makes my world bright for she is my light. I pray for her day and night. Somehow she always makes things rights! It's not because I'm black and she's white. We both human beings in God sight. Yeah, they might come and tie the ropes tights hang me from a tree in the middle of the night. But for Hope love, I will fight! It's not the color of our skin but our hearts within. I like how Hope makes me grin when she touches the bottom of my chin. I like how Hope wears the Bobby pins & using the rolling pin. They say this is an original sin then let my dying begin! I saw Hope today. In the ground, she placed my body to lay. I knew today was the Lord day as Mrs. Hope took the railway to make sure no more birds of prey trying to cast another color away!

Climbing the staircase Poem.
I am climbing the staircase.
Each step is taking me higher.
I am reaching for the sky.

Threads Entwined

Entwined by love's ethereal threads,
Our souls unite where passion leads.

Travis Casey Biography

'It took me a while but I'm finally here! '' At the age of five Travis found his passion for poetry through a classroom assignment given by his teacher in 5th grade. This is where he wrote his first poem! The journey began from there. At the age of six with the help from his PhD, ACSW Coordinator Lori Wiener, Travis became more passionate about his poetry and soon after that, the words just came to him ''it was like someone was telling him what to write”. Even though Travis’s life is filled with his poetry, his life plan was to become a police officer. Travis loves reading his poems for his friends & his friends like to hear them as they are true and caring friends. They are inspired by the Poetry that he writes. The power of Poetry helps Travis through the rough times, but he always stays positive and gives a smile to world. Travis loves school and is passionate about learning, through hard work and perseverance he worked hard and kept his mind focused on the future. There are hardships to being a young man living with HIV. Even when he was picked on, talked about, and even beat down, poetry was the way he coped with the struggles he faced in life. With a strong mind, heart & spirit Travis stepped out of school as a poet who helped others through his words of inspiration. With a dream to inspire others, this book is his way to share his thoughts and feelings with the rest of the world. Hands of Freedom is the fulfillment of Travis’s dream to be a true poet and to give the world the Hands of Freedom that it needs. May God bless everyone!)

The Best Poem Of Travis Casey

The Swan Of Passion

The Swan Of Passion

The other swan laughs and call me names
for I HIV inside me
it hurts to see my friends laughing at me
I want to tell them to stop
I want to tell them it is not OK
I want to tell them to look beyond the horizon
But they will not listen
They will not hear their own voices
They think that they might get it just by floating by me
They think that they are better than I
They think that I am a threat to them,
their well-being, and to all other swans
What they don't know is that I too can feel
I too can hurt,
I too can heal
I too can fly
So while I appear alone
I know my heart is filled
with passion
with faith
with acceptance
with desire
I hope that they never have names called upon them
and if they do
That they realize
That wings can take you anywhere
By: Travis Casey

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