Wael Karameh

Wael Karameh Poems

Tell me more about yourself
I can’t wait till I discover…
A naked heart, clear like the dawn
Is the shortest way for a true lover…

A cup of kisses
And the lips are lost…
What do you like in me the most?
My mind is a desert…

All my days before yesterday
Were for me just a joke…
My heart is bouncing inside me now
Like nice music of the type of rock…

God is love
Love is the first…
In love we find
The remedy of our thirst…

It is not a question of right or a mistake...
neither it is to give or to take...
Love is a volcano of a feeling
is a dream without a ceiling...

A Dramatic Love Relation…

Love is an exciting adventure
No one can predict its risk…

A storm of feeling is squeezing my cold body
But nothing is changing in the trip of time…

Your starring is so lovely…
Like a Diamond taking a nap under the sunshine…
Your walk is a poem not yet written and will never be…
Like a cozy boat full of excitement

I still remember her…
Standing like an angel next to my chair
With a smile she told me
“Let me see your report card Wael

Come on… Get up, you can still walk…
She did broke your heart
But your will is still high
Your dignity shining white like a chalk…

I miss you although we never met
Maybe we knew each other before…
Maybe you just opened in my heart that door…
Maybe it is really too early to say

Sometimes when the pain from your absence
Reaches in my body and heart the level ten
I don’t know what to do…
I start hallucinating, shouting, and calling your name

You know that everyday
I visit the same place where we first met…
I wait for you to come
Then I quickly run…

To whom I am writing if you don’t read?
To the blank future, to my black past
To a stupid dream that cannot last…

Your word to me in my funeral
When my heart was lying nude…
Is just a Baby carrot you are throwing to me …
Leave and don’t tell who is “He”…

In a strange city called Bucharest
Walking in the heavy rain just alone...
I was feeling so bad, feeling so sad
From my wet skin to my smallest bone...

Forget about the nicest islands on this earth
And just come to my unlimited love…
My hands are the shore
Healing your body and your core…


A +

A plus is not my blood group
Not the grade of my university graduation…

You believe in numbers?
If still not, please do…
For me, number 7 is a huge luck…
It is redundant in my phone number

I want to get a visa to visit your heart…
A smile, a joke, a simple poem full of love…
The echo of your voice always fills my pillow
I wanted to sleep, but sleeping became a dream…

Wael Karameh Biography

Reading Wael's poetry is a way to get in touch with your inner feelings; the emotions of loving and being loved. Wael's poetry spans emotions from love and happiness to pain and emptiness.The poems offered here reflect that diversity. Wael's poetry is not only for 'lovers' but speaks to anyone who has experienced the desire to be loved... that is it speaks to everyone. Wael Karameh was born in Lebanon. He is a Family Medicine Specialist, graduate from the American University of Beirut(June 2004, practicing medicine currently in Abu Dhabi. Besides his interest in the medical field, Wael had a great passion to poetry reading and writing since his early childhood. 'The Mysts of Mirrors' or 'ب خ ا ر ا ل م ر ا ي ا ' is his first published poetry book.It is composed of 56 poems, along with a CD that contains 32 poems in Wael's voice with music background in harmony with the poetic atmosphere. lately in 2009 Wael Published his second Arabic poetry book 'The Education Of Love' ' Thakafat Al Hob' in Beirut Lebanon and has a signing ceremony in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E at the cultural foundation; In May 2009, another signing of the book will take place in Beirut. ' I am a romantic person who likes writing love poetry and who centers his life around the idea of the woman being a holy creature inspiring him at all levels and at all times.')

The Best Poem Of Wael Karameh

A Naked Woman

Tell me more about yourself
I can’t wait till I discover…
A naked heart, clear like the dawn
Is the shortest way for a true lover…
I always dreamt to meet a lady
Whose face is shiny without a cover…

Tell me the truth whatever it is
To know is no question, a far much better…
Say it directly and face to face
No need to write it in an e-mail or a letter…
Trust is a journey in the world of love
To succeed we should fully believe in this matter...
Tell me the truth with a clear voice
no need to think, to hesitate or to utter! ! !

Wael Karameh.
April 2,2009.

Wael Karameh Comments

Darin D 26 January 2018

U r sooooooooooo stupid!

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p.a. noushad 01 January 2010

your poems give me deep insight of life

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