Wini Jose

Wini Jose Poems

Two little ears above her tiny head,
She was thin since she was not very well fed.
Everyday she would come at my doorstep with a seductive mew,
Waiting anxiously for the bones of last night's duck stew.

Under the great bright sun,
Stands a little bud dancing with fun.
The tender petals are all wrapped up,
Like a pink fairy cup.

The mountain is steep,
My pace, I just cannot keep.
A tumbling stone or a hurricane,
Can put me in huge pain.

Do you think you have ideas for life but feel life can’t wait,
Then I think you are in my present state.
I want to discover the difference in life, my journey,
But for that I have to be beyond extraordinary.

‘I don’t know’, I always do say,
From the time of my birth to this very day.
Sometimes I really hate the very sound of life,
What is it? Nothing but a big doleful strife.

Sometimes so good, sometimes so bad,
Sometimes with a frown and sometimes really glad.
This is my sister and I really don't know her behavior,
Because sometimes she's Lucifer and sometimes a savior.

When I come walking all tired and lazy,
Feeling all the more crazy.
I see that heavenly door in front of me,
I wait in front of it just to see,

There sits something on that mango tree,
But suddenly it becomes invisibile, I just cannot see.
It crawls to the branch ahead,
To eat a little fly which immediately fled.

Up above in the night sky,
When the foxes are all awake, wicked and sly.
There shimmers a silver light,
So cool and white, and so beautifully bright.

A koala bear looks blankly at a tractor,
Destroying his home without any shame.
A tigress looks helplessly at a man killing her son for fur,
People do all this just for money and fame.

Miles away I see a shining star,
But to reach there I need to cross a big war.
That war is my life which I often think about,
And stand in the middle of that battlefield filled with doubt.


Dark and rumbling heavenly sky,
Man and animals wait with their throats all dry.
Wondering when that crystal clear nectar,
Will trickle down their body and into every sector.

From my window, I sometimes do look,
When distracted from my physics note book.
That building they are constructing in front of mine,
Yes it looks gigantic, but it looks fine.

The sun has risen, the world is new,
The sky has a new shade of blue.
Under this vast open what do we see?
I am sure it's something that'll make you flee.

On earth lay a fruit all ready and ripe,
With a lot of colour and hype.
Around were birds so hungry, so greedy,
With their cunning eyes, some round and big, some small and beady.

I stand by the ocean looking at the sinking sun,
Like a father saying goodbye to his dear son.
I look at the world, what has happened to it,
I look at the faces of the people, none of them happy, not even a bit.

When I cry I see nothing but an ocean in front of me,
And in middle of that is a magical tree.
Now on this tree is written my fate,
The time of birth and death with the correct time and date.

What a teacher should be?
Someone who is kind to me.
Who considers all the children the same.
No matter whether blind or lame.

The story I am going to say is about a little worm,
Who could only crawl and squirm.
He used to crawl on a big mulberry tree,
And used to eat all its leaves for free.

A smile or giggle is sure to appear,
Like a mother's hand wiping away your tear.
The world has not seen anything so funny,
Like a cartoon that makes your day sunny.

Wini Jose Biography

Poetry is the language of the heart and a poet is someone who can understand that language. Poetry was there in my mind from a very young age and I started writing poems when I was just 10.I wouldnt call myself a poet because I am just too young to be a poet! !)

The Best Poem Of Wini Jose

The Story Of A Stray Cat

Two little ears above her tiny head,
She was thin since she was not very well fed.
Everyday she would come at my doorstep with a seductive mew,
Waiting anxiously for the bones of last night's duck stew.
She would walk around my legs, tickling me with her fluffy tail,
Sometimes scratching a bark with her claws as sharp as a nail.
Her eyes were like two green marbles set in her beautiful white face,
And her whiskers danced in the wind like a shoe lace.
One day she came to my house with a new member,
A brown and white kitten, if I remember.
They were truly a sight to see,
The kitten's playfullness filled me with glee.
I used to offer the kitten with milk,
Ocassionally stroking it's head soft as silk.
One day while going to school,
I saw something that was really not cool.
My dear little cat and kitten lay lifeless,
Near a garbage mess.
Some speeding motorist had done this in his hurry,
He wasn't bothered, it was cat who would worry.
Each day I saw friends vanishing into thin air,
I cried since it was not fair.
Now no cat comes at my doorstep for milk,
There is no kitten with a head as soft as silk.
There is no playfullness,
Only nothingness.

Wini Jose Comments

Miniya kee 20 October 2021

I just love your poems, they mean alot to me because i love animals.

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