Zakir Hussain Haidary

Zakir Hussain Haidary Poems

God bestows
Flakes of frozen water
To dress the naked breast

When she sows virtue in my heart,
My Self wakes within.Then it happens;
By veiling herself from my sight,
wanders in the darkness of my heart.

Uproar of bullets and pellets
Have ailed the vale.
Hazy smoke of the legion
Carried the Sun away.

The divine death plucked savagely
the bud of Zehra. The flower of sky.
Fragrance of the flower woefully
From Medina to Karbala, did fly.

Zakir Hussain Haidary Biography

Zakir Hussain Haidary is a 24 years old science graduate and is now studying English Literature at Banaras Hindu University Uttar Pradesh India.)

The Best Poem Of Zakir Hussain Haidary


God bestows
Flakes of frozen water
To dress the naked breast
Of his heaven caressing darling
but his ravishing affiance
Goes unveil again and
Bless Ladakh

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