! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1***eternity On Milieu***! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

gleams impregnable of fortress by heaven
yet glimmer through wings of immortality
as time and space in its mute undertone
smack of golden dusts raving over rays
distinction loses grace sucked in sweetness

green never ruffles insisting upon precision
yet eternity seals on its skin in ages and eons
perfection never meander being befuddled on window
as red simulates oblong on buoyant path of warmth

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Speech Less(For B. B.)

The page looked at me

The words gathered
inside my head

but refused to
come out.

'Sorry mate...

***shambling Soul By Eternity***

dew falling from leaf tip yet serenades dawn
earth never feelS love unrequited
till sun wakes to enliven universe
redemption is the last rung of truth absolute.

heaven may bestows shelters sanity
nature redefines evolving laws of justice
selection is mere revelation of fact
within necessity of vectorial relevance

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ***shambling Soul By Eternity***! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

dew falling from leaf tip yet serenades dawn
earth never feels love unrequited
till sun wakes to enliven universe
redemption is last rung of truth absolute.

heaven may bestows shelters to sanity
nature redefines evolving laws of justice
selection is mere revelation of fact
within necessity of vectorial relevance

! The Secret, Treasured World Of Metaphor

True, I can rhyme – endwords, and inner too;
fangle fine assonance, like thought made new;
march to a metre –regular in tread
or cunningly disjointed – silken, the thread
then sharply pulled, to wake the reader’s ear;
rhythms, I can dance with a magic, laughing twirl;
play like the ringlets of poetic curls;

but metaphor – ah, there’s the sadness in my play:
that golden box, its gleaming lid all joy,

What's In A Poem?

Each word's a chord,
A tone, a colour,
Juxtaposing images and sounds
In harmonising order,
Assonance the flats to mollify the song
Alliteration sharps,
The plangent plucking of a harp,
Half rhyme I use
To vary the length and pitch of lines,
And introduce a complex contrapuntal strength.

Ode To The Poet's Craft

With words we weave a tapestry,
A world of beauty, bright and free.
Through rhyme and rhythm, meter too,
We bring our dreams to life anew.

Alliteration leads the way,
Repeating sounds that catch and stay.
Assonance, too, can add its spell,
With vowels that sing and dance so well.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1***eternity On Milieu! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1***

gleams impregnable of fortress by heaven
yet glimmer through wings of immortality
as time and space in its mute undertone
smack of golden dusts raving over rays
distinction loses grace sucked in sweetness

green never ruffles insisting upon precision
yet eternity seals on its skin in ages and eons
perfection never meander being befuddled on window
as red simulates oblong on buoyant path of warmth

A Glossary Of Poetic Words

I would like to re-submit this exhaustive list of terms associated with poetry and hope that members will make use of the list to understand different kinds of poetry in a better way.

ABSTRACT -a word denoting qualities that do not exist except as
attributes'- beauty, love, despair etc.
ALLEGORY -a narrative in which the subject of a higher spiritual order
is described in terms of that of a lower one.
There are HISTORICAL and POLITICAL allegories and
the allegory of IDEAS.
ALLITERATION -the repetition of a speech sound in a sequence

! Lyric 5: Staggered Assonance

the singing in the living, listening heart

tells love in whispers; and the heart is always

listening; for that heart is always bliss; all

hearts in all ways, blest by ceaseless love;

the blaze of bliss in life is our soul’s singing;

Words Poetic (Dueling Duet)

To be sung to the tune of Cole Porter's 'You're the Top.'

For words poetic I'm sympathetic—
Bardolatry leaves a woman slack—
But Mr. Literatus, your bronchial afflatus
Sounds like the heavy wheezing of a hack.
You billet-doux me with such Gitchee Gumee,
It's hard to tell a blurring from a blot;
I'll mince no words pretending—

Windy Day

Tall winds wall in
The vibrant soul.
Short of breath I seek
Shelter in the deciduous wood
Close by where branches
Tremble in the assonance of shadows,
And their leaves resonate
With consumptive colours,
And sparrows huddle
In the lee of willows,


Alliteration and assonance
Are what we need to make words dance.
Pretty poetic practices percolate the page,
As apples happily meet our approval and appreciation.
Words have music
As surely as the sun
Gives light.
And all these things
Are older than the hills.

A (Revised)

First Letter.
First vowel too.
Fulcrum letter.
Apple-blossomed assonance.
My opening poem.
Number one.

Still Working Fine..

Everything around is in a slow motion,
Laziness is now a prominent emotion..
The mood surrounding is seemingly low,
Time in my watch too is ticking slow..

The air is dull and the day is boring,
Being half asleep, I am almost snoring..
Everyday is the same, there's nothing new,
I am cynical of following this routine too..

Rhythmic Words Unscanned

Since boyhood I have felt melodic tunes
That lingered unbeknown within my pulse
In rhythmic beats I was not taught to scan;
Wavelets of words and phrases reached my feet,

With lilting beats and tales to calm the mind,
Forever skeptical of fantasy,
So counter to my sense of real life,
Duties like homework still left incomplete.

In Milieu Of Reverie!

Night is never hasty to leave darkness

as eyes meander inquest of sweet breeze

for warmth to clinch in snow piqued hours

as soul needs light of joy to embrace.

by love of light don`t you like this world?

Anne Hathaway

‘Item I gyve unto my wief my second best bed…'
(from Shakespeare's will)

The bed we loved in was a spinning world
of forests, castles, torchlight, cliff-tops, seas
where he would dive for pearls. My lover's words
were shooting stars which fell to earth as kisses
on these lips; my body now a softer rhyme
to his, now echo, assonance; his touch
a verb dancing in the centre of a noun.

A Recitation

My love you are a poem with its own description:
The assonance of your whispers,
The rhyme in scripted in your voice,
The themes that outline your body,
The repetition that characterizes the blink of your eyes,
The tonation of your laughter,
The persona Created in your characteristic smile,
The onomatopoeic rush of your feet,
The alliteration of your speech,
The imagery buried within your face,

A Cypress Tree

Green and tall kissing the roof, and so much glad,
What you're doing silently yards below the ground,
Wild blows of air and the clouds have gone mad,
No showers, no flash of light, and no thunder of sound,
The rains haven't yet come, I see your cuts and curls
Through my windows your branches look like dancing girls.
I know dear, when I was a youth, how I loved,
How I kissed her and what happened beneath blankets,
The exciting cool wind blows and a hot beloved,
Assonance for a song of love and the two clarinets,