Do Not Grovel Do Not Avenge Original 02 20 2016

Charlotte, NC 28269

Original 02 20 2016

Do Not Grovel Do Not Avenge:

Walled Street Walled Nation Xx Xxx Xx Improvisation 01 15 2017 Xx Original 01 10 2017

Charlotte, NC 28269

Improvisation 01 15 2017

Walled Street Walled Nation

What Is That (Original 01 28 2010)

Original 01 28 2010

What is that…? What is this? Holistic phylum
Bent forward by sagacious reasoning bent over
In agile memories old alpha males and widows’
Webs strung from wedding and possibility ties
Self possession love –even waiters and tables
Reserve as your own to have and hold

Antithesis Original 09 26 2010

Original 09 26 2010

The weather of her oceanfront face
Distills to lovers making tidal sounds
Imagoes in darkness later where they touch
The foot set sand sieved waters not sound
We embrace each other in the condominium
Of our souls –taste the sea salt in our kisses

On My Walk In The Cool Shade: (Improvisation 11 17 05)

May imagoes endear the bridal bread and
Milk the syrupy baker’s cake awakening
Quadrangles enclosed to paths that early
Breakfast smells spread omnipresent to
God’s divine shadow made -my way
Of thinking on my walk in the cool shade
Among shadows of tower geometry and
Dimension all to bowel onto my language
Cast from stone and wing tip traces on
The zodiac circle point to risk of losing you

Thought-Moths Of The Imagination 1

Thought-moths of the Imagination drift
As sifted wishes slip, thistledown-thin,
In slim rafts down the river of inspiration.
Pictures of imagery flitter skittishly
In and out, out and in, instantaneously
Appearing and vanishing till whisked
Briskly away by a sniff of uncertainty.
Slim-winged, iridescent imagoes,
Fully-formed from the chrysalises
Of intense concentration, waft softly

Paper Angels

Paper angels in the parish church
Sing like ghosts of insects
Escaping cocoons of tissue-shroud,
Scaling filaments of spider-web
Toward their vault of heaven.
Their antennae have looped themselves
And fused into haloes, as they rise,
Bleached mayflies in a nimbus cloud.
Sunlight tickles them into
Subsonic stridulations, glorying


Her life used to be
The sweetest story she'd ever heard
A sweetheart and a babe
A lover, to an illegal distiller
A ruffian, a roughneck,
Whose neck never was smooth
What does she know?

Drunk in love was she
From the chalice of ignorance,

Sea Sweeps

Unfruitful nights, so it would seem
Wasted, overworked, consumed by nostalgia
Thoughts, heap and enslave my mind
Enthralled at the hand of inspiration

I lay aboard this boat, restless
The waves impose a hardy tremor
They charge at the bow fiercely, passionately
Forging a tone that only Poseidon himself should make

The Reservoir


The reservoir is trying to freeze over
with an expanding map shaped like an angel
Separated lovers on a coast keep walking
toward each other. Low sun reddens
their faces without heat

They are weary of always moving
so seldom touching, but never think