On My Walk In The Cool Shade: (Improvisation 11 17 05) Poem by Lee B. Mack

On My Walk In The Cool Shade: (Improvisation 11 17 05)

May imagoes endear the bridal bread and
Milk the syrupy baker’s cake awakening
Quadrangles enclosed to paths that early
Breakfast smells spread omnipresent to
God’s divine shadow made -my way
Of thinking on my walk in the cool shade
Among shadows of tower geometry and
Dimension all to bowel onto my language
Cast from stone and wing tip traces on
The zodiac circle point to risk of losing you
But black whydah encircling overhead
teach me to engineer shadow flights
Sense the thirst of the gathering flocks
the press of the sexual lusting herds
The liar’s promise of Hubble views man
Made white code to break shadow attitudes
I drink to the energy of shadows -the one you
cast yesterday I miss already the simple
contour takes the shade makes of your body
But should I think to eat shadow words
Or images of how the shadows laid
True light flung into infinite string
Divining God’s unlit shadow wave
Gifts in you divine the umbilical of my cool
In the places of peace where depth
Of shadows return dust to dust to blow
But cannot erase the simple shadow that
Keeps its shape
On my walk in the cool shade.

Lee Mack, copyright 2009; ISBN # 06 15318347. do not reproduce without permission.

Lee B. Mack

Lee B. Mack

Shelbyville, Kentucky
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