~ Rupturing Hymen [a.K.A. Defloration] ~

Candle light oscillating
Luxing like amoeba
Silenced to actuate
Jus Primae Noctis
Poor just married Dona
Lying like log to
Endure engulf forced
Somatic n' psychic
Defloration harpooning
It's bonking by law. [Shame]

Miniver Cheevy

Miniver Cheevy, child of scorn,
Grew lean while he assailed the seasons;
He wept that he was ever born,
And he had reasons.

Miniver loved the days of old
When swords were bright and steeds were prancing;
The vision of the warrior bold
Would set him dancing.


At four o'clock
in the gun-metal blue dark
we hear the first crow of the first cock

just below
the gun-metal blue window
and immediately there is an echo

off in the distance,
then one from the backyard fence,

A Youth In Apparel That Glittered

A youth in apparel that glittered
Went to walk in a grim forest.
There he met an assassin
Attired all in garb of old days;
He, scowling through the thickets,
And dagger poised quivering,
Rushed upon the youth.
"Sir," said this latter,
"I am enchanted, believe me,
To die, thus,

Passage To India

SINGING my days,
Singing the great achievements of the present,
Singing the strong, light works of engineers,
Our modern wonders, (the antique ponderous Seven outvied,)
In the Old World, the east, the Suez canal,
The New by its mighty railroad spann'd,
The seas inlaid with eloquent, gentle wires,
I sound, to commence, the cry, with thee, O soul,
The Past! the Past! the Past!

Natural Theology


I ate my fill of a whale that died
And stranded after a month at sea. . . .
There is a pain in my inside.
Why have the Gods afflicted me?
Ow! I am purged till I am a wraith!
Wow! I am sick till I cannot see!
What is the sense of Religion and Faith:
Look how the Gods have afflicted me!

Proud Music Of The Storm

PROUD music of the storm!
Blast that careers so free, whistling across the prairies!
Strong hum of forest tree-tops! Wind of the mountains!
Personified dim shapes! you hidden orchestras!
You serenades of phantoms, with instruments alert,
Blending, with Nature's rhythmus, all the tongues of nations;
You chords left us by vast composers! you choruses!
You formless, free, religious dances! you from the Orient!
You undertone of rivers, roar of pouring cataracts;

To A Friend Going Blind

Today, because I couldn't find the shortcut through,
I had to walk this town's entire inner
perimeter to find
where the medieval walls break open
in an eighteenth century
arch. The yellow valley flickered on and off
through cracks and the gaps
for guns. Bruna is teaching me
to cut a pattern.
Saturdays we buy the cloth.

Football (Haiku Haiku Haiku Haiku Haiku)

Like medieval knights
Armor clad, in fields battle
To reap victory

The Leading Edge In Red

crimson nights
crimson rains
medieval trees
casting shadows
a toxic romance
clocked upside the head
crimson nights


A youth in apparel that glittered
Went to walk in a grim forest.
There he met an assassin
Attired all in garb of old days;
He, scowling through the thickets,
And dagger poised quivering,
Rushed upon the youth.
'Sir,' said this latter,
'I am enchanted, believe me,
To die, thus,

In Memoriam Paul Celan

Lay these words into the dead man's grave
next to the almonds and black cherries---
tiny skulls and flowering blood-drops, eyes,
and Thou, O bitterness that pillows his head.

Lay these words on the dead man's eyelids
like eyebrights, like medieval trumpet flowers
that will flourish, this time, in the shade.
Let the beheaded tulips glisten with rain.

Aaa) The Origins, Crusades.

In the medieval towns there was an increase in people
But if one was in search of a doctor
One had to go to the ghetto and Europe envied Juda.
Dark roads of the ghetto, but bright ways of work!
Then sometimes Israel pushes a villain out of the way and elects a Queen as nice as Esther.
The Pope was in the troubles with the kings
So he sent some of them to the Crusades.
The knives made love with the Berber Princesses on the way to Aleppo,
They ate hot azime bread and drank mint tea under the palms,

The Journey

Anghiari is medieval, a sleeve sloping down
A steep hill, suddenly sweeping out
To the edge of a cliff, and dwindling.
But far up the mountain, behind the town,
We too were swept out, out by the wind,
Alone with the Tuscan grass.

Wind had been blowing across the hills
For days, and everything now was graying gold
With dust, everything we saw, even

Crescent Fairy

I saw a shoe a' sailing
a' sailing on the sea
The fairies were it a' using
for boats they mayn't  have you see.
Ethereal Fairies, if you're real
Come share with me a sumptuous meal
And we'll ferry together in a ferry
A fairy in a ferry,
a sight very merry.

On The Building Of Springfield

Let not our town be large, remembering
That little Athens was the Muses' home,
That Oxford rules the heart of London still,
That Florence gave the Renaissance to Rome.

Record it for the grandson of your son —
A city is not builded in a day:
Our little town cannot complete her soul
Till countless generations pass away.

Face Masks/Face Veils, The Same Thing

Masks prose without links

When last I visited India almost a decade ago
I recall riding on my brother's scooter
as he drove me around town,
And I saw fully veiled Muslim women
half their faces veiled, masked in Niqab
driving scooters, motorbikes, mopeds and motorcycles.
I also recall some women also covering half their faces with their dupattas

' Masculine Majesty... '

‘ Masculine Majesty … ’
Medieval Lines # 2

Lo’ and Behold … Thy Masculine Majesty
Thy Manliness, Suits Thee, Most Perfectly
As Knightly Swain, doth’ this Maid Elate
Wherefore Thy Warrior Hands, Commence Passionate

Thy Kingly Eyes, Glisten-Graciously, Wise
And Smolder My Sight, as Sun doth’ Skies

Vincent Van Gogh 39 - Vincent Amusing Himself

Borinage was not a place of art or pictures.
But Vincent who was gifted with an artistic eye
And a perception beyond the ordinary.
For him, Borinage appeared beautiful, picturesque,
Full of depth, character and perseverance.
Last winter, he had written to his brother Theo:
" Of late, the ground has been covered with snow;
Everything then reminded one of the medieval pictures
Of the peasant Breughel, and of many others who have known
How to express so remarkably well that peculiar effect

Medieval English Cathedral

Once I had this fanciful idea of recording
the silence in each great cathedral
and marketing these...

As you pull open the worn and squeaky door
there's a strange moment of apprehension as if
you're not sure what will greet you - a fullness
or an emptiness; a football-stadium roar
or a silence; an earfull of praise or
a mindfull of questions...