From The Ruin

From the ruin,
Have I leapt up,
Like the soul enters,
A new body in Buddhism!

A new chapter has begun,
A new ‘me' has been born,
Fresh like the earth after the rain!
Carrier of a serene mind as that of the sadhu!

You And I

You and I are meant for each other,
It is not for the sake of saying it!
It is true and you can feel it too,
Am I not right my dear?

Yes you are,
Your love is the medicine of my soul!
Your presence brings rapture,
As the rose feels when the butterfly approaches!

Kissed On Your Neck [sexual Unrhymed Poetenry: Poems Of Ten Lines]

I switched off the light,
Lit a candle,
Creating a romantic milieu,
You stood before the dressing table.

I went closer to you,
So close that you could feel my breath,
Which was hot as the pressure cooker!
I grabbed your waist passionately so!

Do Not Fall In Love, Rise In Love!

Don't let yourself FALL in the sort of love,

That suffocates your self-esteem,

Rise in love!

Flourish and let her bloom as a flower!

If the love-affair poisons you,

Oh Cleopatra!

Oh Cleopatra!
Why did you seduce Antony,
With your unrivaled beauty?
Sandwiched he was between duty and love!

On the horns of a dilemma Antony was in,
The combat was significant to him,
So was your company!
The war made him tired, you made him vigorous!

বসন্ত এসে গেছে! [দশপদী কবিতা - Poetenry: Poem Of Ten Lines]

বসন্ত এসে গেছে আবার,

বসন্ত আসুক ফিরে বারবার!

বসন্ত যাক ছুঁয়ে হৃদয় সবার,

বসন্ত এসো, দিলাম খুলে দ্বার!

The Plan Of God! [unrhymed Poetenry: Poems Of Ten Lines]

God has a divine plan,

With your life,

A plan so inimitable and perfect,

That only the wise can understand!

When utterly gloomy you become,

! The Paradoxical Heart!

The heart knows how to FALL IN LOVE,

It keeps falling,

Alas! It does not know,


The heart bleeds like a stabbed fellow,

William Shakespeare

He came, he penned, he succeeded,
William Shakespeare was the name,
A genius of unmatched stature,
A rare piece of diamond he was!

I do not actually know,
If the world will ever see,
Such a great writer,
In the thousands of years to come!

Don't Walk Away!

Don't walk away!
Even if,
Not the best of the lovers I am!

No cunning Dolus lives,
In my heart's core,
Nor the trace of any Iago,
Or Brutus you will find!

Diplomatic Friendship

Diplomatic friendship,
Is like a face with a mask,
It is alliance in disguise!
Not an authentic one indeed!

Selfishness is the key ingredient,
That drives such companionship,
Actors they in fact are,
The so-called friends in question!

My Queen You Are!

My Queen you are!
I am your King,
I have a kingdom,
The Kingdom of Love!

In my Kingdom of Love,
Celestial you will feel,
Like that of the actual heaven,
Believe me, I will keep my promise!

The ‘f' Word

The ‘F' word pops up,
As a spring in my mind,
As soon as a name,
And a face appear!

He is the reincarnation of Iago,
Maybe of Shylock,
Or Hitler perhaps,
A Mephistopheles in disguise!

Being With You

Being with you,
Is like being in heaven,
It's like listening to the sitar,
For eons and beyond!

Being with you,
Is like flying in the sky,
Like a bird,
It's like experiencing the multiverses!

The Kiss

In the rain,
You sat on the bench,
Of the park,
Waiting for me.

Yes I was late,
As always,
I saw you from afar,
Came behind you stealthily!

Loving You Is Like...

Loving you is like ecstasy,
The way two black holes merge,
Together and become one in love,
In such a way with you I want to converge!

Your every corner, the neck,
The breasts, the silky waist,
And below the navel,
I would discover with no haste!

Oh Socrates!

Oh Socrates! The great man,
You tried to bring change,
You tried to make others see,
You tried to enlighten.

Barefooted like Jesus Christ you went,
To face the mocking trial,
And you uttered, "I to die, and you to live.
Which of these two is better only God knows.'

Let Me Love You Again

Let me love you again,
Like the last time,
You must remember the magical night,
The sensational way of making love!

From your forehead did I descend,
Cultivating every little part of you,
Like a veteran farmer!
And to me you surrendered like a good girl!

Rise Above All Fear

Rise above all fear,
Rise and help others rise as well,
Since this is how humanity should be like,
This is the joy of life, the joy of living!

Stop living like a dead man,
Stop acting like a coward,
Be gallant like a soldier,
Be bold like Hercules!

Blue Whale Game

The one who leads you to commit suicide,
The one who is Satan but acts as a friend,
Is garbage himself!
A sinner from and to HELL!

The person who has created the game,
Not to destroy himself after playing it,
But to destroy the innocent ones,
Such is his unpardonable hypocrisy!