All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace

I like to think (and
the sooner the better!)
of a cybernetic meadow
where mammals and computers
live together in mutually
programming harmony
like pure water
touching clear sky.

I like to think

A Rootless Existence

Severed from self
It is just
A selfless existence
Of this body
Made up of mere clay

Nomadic thoughts
Your mind loves to create
Untrodden paths
Your feet tend to walk

Cosmic Encryption

The strange quantum uncertainty
here, there, and everywhere,
within, without, nonrandom bits sustain
universal poetic harmony.
The aetheric history matter dark intones

mystically to a poet on a quantum trip
entangled with monkeys
programming an escape from reality.
The centaur got a gyre wiring diagram

Apoptosis Of A Human Being

(For every cell, there is a time to live and a time to die. That is what we call Apoptosis; this I tried to apply to human beings as a whole and the result is the following poem)
Death by injury and
Death by suicide
Modalities formalized for
Upward movements dynamic
Mechanical damage
Propagated by machines
Starting from birth
Incubator to start with
Followed by prams

Black Lives Matter - Anthem

By Ripuree
Black Lives Matter—Anthem

Black People the world over
The words black/blackness, dark/darkness
Have all been criminalized, demonized and contaminated
And the collective impact on the black psychic is severe
Thus we're universally self-hating, demoralized and debased.

And we'll matter to no other as a people

Ahimsa 7 - Asteya Or Non-Stealing

‘Asteya' is never to steal
Be it a thing of small value,
Be it a substance of high price,
Be it a property or a house,
Be it a name or a credit,
Be it a work of high merit,
Be it anything under the sun,
Blessed and content!

‘Steya' is covetousness

(senryu Series) Just One More 7 (Gleanings From The Cutting Room Floor)

Addendum of Rocks And Minerals (Senryu Series) - Poem by Kelly Kurt

Amber kelly

Fossil tree resin
Rubbing gives negative charge
My blonde haired daughter

Amber wes

My Rights..

My parents take me to the Malls one after another,
Where I have seen local people and foreigners,
Young boys and girls hug and kiss each other, while shopping,
My parents did not bother to notice what I am watching,
Every Sunday we visit the Malls to shop and roam,
Until our legs are tired and then only we come back home,
Exam is nearer and I am grounded with books and tuition,
Outing, entertainment and TV all out of reach,
My father, a professional, wants me to excel,
My professional mother prays for me to succeed,


Here we are in America camouflaged in poverty
Our minds programmed - voice of prosperity
While there in Africa we lie starving
While there in Africa we lie dying
Unconscious of respect - subconscious of suspect
Who robbed us of our rights - and reduced our span of life

Here we are in America stagnated in progress
Our minds programmed for failure - of feeling worthless
While there in Africa we are aware

Wubbo Ockels, Dutch First Astronaut....


Wubbo Ockels was born in Almelo, Netherlands,
but considered Groningen to be his hometown.

He obtained his MSc degree in physics and mathematics
and subsequently a PhD degree in the same subjects
from the University of Groningen.

His thesis was based on experimental work

No Humanity From Own Community

by: Chan Mongol
September 03,2024

You don't have to be a Buddhist to love animals;

You don't have to be a Muslim to love Palestinians as pals!

Are You Really Free? ? ?

You think that you are free.

But there is not a thought
an emotion, an attitude
and belief in you
that is not coming
from some others.

And you do not know it.

Decision Made Not To Live!

We can't be carved, programmed and displayed,
As others expected for their dreams collapsed,
Carving done at every part of our life without informed,
Programming updated every stage of our life that intended,
Displayed all over the world what they have achieved,
By political carving, economical programming,
And the display as the developed on going,
When our time is not in our hands to enjoy,
Pawned for monthly salary from the bosses,
Every activity is scheduled when and how to do,

The Dead Language

Sanskrit is called ‘a dead language'
but how it's dead?
it's the primary liturgical language of Hinduism
the philosophical language in
Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism
it has very wonderful structure
It's more perfect than Greek,
more copious than Latin
and more suitable for computer programming
it's still a literary language

A Different View Of Time.

Time is the essence of a contract
But not at all for a life it is guaranteed
The time for a life is unpredictable
The planning and programming different.

Time is the essence of knowledge
But time is carelessly spent by failing
Time is to be carefully watched
And plans to success of exams made.

One Day

It would be nice to be nice.

Folks will forget about treason and vice.

People will sore goodness in their brain.

Programming such would be main!

We will be needing the daily practice;

The Punch Card

I hear the past
It calls my name
And It shows me
Hundreds of days,

Most are all
Just empty marks,
Just punched out holes
In the punch card
Of my pre-programmed past.

Achieving Total Liberation!

Commitments, obligations and duties chain all as slaves to work;
All do all to be free from troubles, entanglements and problems;
All want freedom to do what all like, how all like, when all like;
Above all, total liberation is the one great wish for all ever!

Love and knowledge only can make one complete to have a sense of
Freedom to enjoy happiness in doing beautiful things in arts, music,
Painting, poetry science and philosophy to get fulfilment in life
In harmony with Nature to experience divine bliss to get peace ever!

Your Strong, In Control, Of Your Future?

It's easy in this life, to live not knowing who you are,
Most people are known, and introduced by,
Where they work, what their worth, live, and what kind of car,
No company, believes your name, you're an e-mail, pass word,
Always programming, your mind along the way, it often, takes,
Longer for them to decide, if you are you, than to ask, a simple,
Non - security question, why you called that day.
There is no end to changing the human being forever,
After you slowly take over their mind, keeping them, from,

Champions Of Color

Champions of color,
Must prove themselves...
Superior in ways,
Than the programming created
By the mechanics of robots.
And even then,
All their movements made are scrutinized,
With a bar to raise higher,
Than those subpar of inferior skills.
To examine and compare their abilities,