Waves Of Illumination Poem by Ayni Poet

Waves Of Illumination

Rating: 5.0

Metallic armour around the shoulders,
Chains pricking the legs,
Skewers stuck in the soft chest,
Embroilment of the mind,
Fuss of the heart,
Storm in action,
Tightness of breathing,
Shuffle of the cards,
A volcano seething with lava,
A cube cutting via its edges,
A lovely bud turned into a thorn
Is man living
In the sneaky clothes
Of an individual Self.

It ain't a reason for despair,
The prisons are imagined!
For those willing to investigate
The associated "I",
Naturally private lens will be abandoned,
An instant witnessing occurs,
A transpersonal dimension,
Waves of illumination igniting,
Deep and sharp,
Steady and eternal,
Swallowing the darkness of the phenomenal,
Disclosing a radiant, numinous land
The ultimate Reality,
The nature of God.

Monday, June 11, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: awakening,life,light,reality,self discovery,transcendent
Anil Kumar Panda 18 June 2018

What a beautiful imagery! ! Enjoyed each sentence. Thanks for sharing.

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Dr Antony Theodore 11 June 2018

Disclosing a radiant, numinous land The ultimate Reality, The nature of God. real awakening and self discovery advises in your poem dear poetess. thank u. noble and lofty thoughts..

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Nudershada Cabanes 11 June 2018

A Deep poem of awakening well penned.10

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