A Following Poem by Charles Bukowski

A Following

Rating: 2.6

the phone rang at 1:30 a.m.
and it was a man from Denver:

Ben Gieske 25 May 2007

The title, A Following, may be the key to this one. I have received such calls at night, sometimes wrong numbers and sometimes a person who definitiely was drinking. Someone lonely, looking to connect with another human being, someone with a problem just wanting to talk? This poem may tell us something about are humanness.

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Josh Kostelnik 08 March 2007

whoever submitted this poem left out the rest of it...

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Kaye Cee 29 July 2008

I think the 'Following' signifies his cult following. And the man who called from Denver was a fan.

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Walter Durk 17 September 2007

I found the entire text at another site. Since it includes some profanity I suppose some sites do not wish to include it. I think it's a good poem, and certainly not conventional. I was amused by the frankness of it. I would not say it is my favorite piece at all, but it is interesting and a shout from a very 'free' spirit at the time.

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Marcy Jarvis 03 October 2005

This is a Buku. 9-7-0

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Just two lines left to a lot of imagination

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Sylvia Frances Chan 05 July 2021

A very short poem, a brevity and so wonderfully put. Congratulations with the Modern Poem Of The Day to the family of the great Poet!

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Nancy Oyula 14 May 2014

So, that's it. Huh.......

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Alistair Plint 02 November 2012

i was going to simply agree with Sarita below, but no... Dear Site Manager, Do not rip the classics apart. Either post them in full, or refrain from posting them at all. Who wants to read one line out of a poem, that's like only seeing the error page of a website (useless) . besides to the likes of Chuck Buk, it is just disrespectful. get some radio guts. this 20 line poem, which is brilliant looks like nonesense when only the single line is posted. grow up! Al.

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Kathleen W 29 September 2009

Charles Bukowski was for his bluntness he had I dont give a crap attitude thats what I admire about him. He Is all about free verse wish it would come back instead of all this water downed stuff that we read today.

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