There Is No Shortcut In Life. Poem by Dr. Antony Theodore

There Is No Shortcut In Life.

Rating: 5.0

You are happy
because your attitude
towards everything
is always right.

Attitude is always important.

Winning is not a secret
that belongs to a few.

The winner studies
the situation.
He makes himself
ready for any challenge.

He stays calm.
He remains strong.
He will never let anyone
destroy him on his way.

Winning is something
that we can learn.
There is no short cut to it.
Work hard and smart.
Live with a perfect aim.

Monday, February 4, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: happiness,motivation,work,attitude,calm
Aniruddha Pathak 06 February 2019

Winning is something that we can learn. There is no short cut to it. Work hard and smart. Live with a perfect aim. Sound advice in sound words.

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Akham Nilabirdhwaja Singh 05 February 2019

A nice message in the poem.Nice to share,

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Richard Wlodarski 04 February 2019

You have so succinctly conveyed the secret to success and happiness. Another great write, Tony!

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Savita Tyagi 04 February 2019

Good sound advice in a good poem. In trying to achieve success too quick we look for short cut but eventually learn that here are no short cuts in life.

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